Chapter 96
Lena still said with a dead duck mouth and stiff neck, as if she was a hero pleading for the lives of all sentient beings

Ge Xiaolun and the others watched with tears in their eyes. They were suffocated by laughter. After all, the scene where Leina taught them a lesson last night still came before their eyes, eh!Can't afford to provoke!
"Okay, stop talking nonsense! Everyone stand at attention! Follow me, turn left, and run! If I don't stop, you can't stop either!"

Aaron looked at Lena's appearance and laughed a little. Then he glanced at his watch and realized that it was getting late, so he turned around and led everyone to start the first morning exercise

Ge Xiaolun and the others were full of doubts. Aren't they super fighters or something? This training is so simple? !But everyone didn't say anything, and buried their doubts in their hearts.
Everyone kept running with Aaron at a very fast speed, while the team of Ge Xiaolun and others went from being neat at the beginning to sparse after ten kilometers, and then reaching hundreds of meters apart after twenty kilometers. Nalong still didn't stop, as if he didn't notice the state of everyone, he just ran round and round
It wasn't until 08:30 that Aaron stopped at the original position, and only Lena was left behind. Even Xin Zhao, a guy who can run and jump, looked like It looks like a dead dog, "moving" towards Aaron
And the ones behind turned out to be two strong men who fell on the ground. Ge Xiaolun rolled his eyes in exhaustion. He had no strength at all. He lay on the ground with his right arm tightly embracing Xin Zhao's right leg that had fallen behind him. Xin Zhao dragged them forward, and Ge Xiaolun was dragging a person behind him.
It was Cheng Yaowen, obviously, his condition is not that good now, his eyes turned white and he fainted, only Ge Xiaolun clamped Cheng Yaowen's head in his crotch with his legs, under the efforts of Xin Zhao , the three "moved" forward together
No matter how you look at the actions between the three, they are full of affection. Sure enough, true "love" is seen in adversity!

And beside them, there is a red-haired Qiangwei, with a pale face, running forward over them, without even looking at the three of them, it's a pity that Ge Xiaolun's expression of "I can persevere"

Ge Xiaolun looked at Qiangwei's back with a bit of sadness, Xin Zhao seemed to hear a broken sound vaguely, but he obviously didn't have time to pay attention to this situation, he was already tired and dizzy, but felt the sound coming from his right foot. He also turned his head sadly to look at Ge Xiaolun who was lying on the ground.

Why do I often have tears in my eyes, it's just because I sworn brothers with two scumbags last night!Xin Zhao had a poetic reverie, he couldn't forget the fact that Ge Xiaolun, a bastard just now, was hanging on his lap with the excuse of "brothers in trouble together"!He was very heartbroken, and regretted these two scammers!
However, Xin Zhao's gaze, full of thoughts, surprised Ge Xiaolun. Although he is too tired to move now, it doesn't mean he can't recognize the meaning of this gaze. It's sad, right? !Just now I looked at Qiangwei like this!Real hammer, does this guy Xin Zhao have any unreasonable thoughts about me? !Ge Xiaolun was not only lost in thought.
While thinking this way, Ge Xiaolun sneaked a peek at Xin Zhao, and found that Xin Zhao still had the same eyes. Ge Xiaolun was so startled that he almost didn't jump up!It's over, it's over, it's real, this Zhao Hanghuo must be interesting to me!it's over
He didn't even think about it, he dragged Cheng Yaowen and hung them on Xin Zhao's lap, this would be easy on someone else, if he didn't kick his feet, it would be considered light. Let Xin Zhao move forward with the two of them
Not to mention the amusing time of these three cheaters, Qi Lin and Rui Mengmeng ran side by side hard, their eyes were full of stubbornness, their whole bodies were wet with sweat, and they were dripping with sweat

Although the two of them haven't passed out now, nor have they reached their limit, it's not that they are stronger than others, on the contrary, they are several laps behind the others, so they haven't reached their limit yet, but it's not that they don't work hard, but that they I have worked very hard to keep up with Aaron's pace, but I still have more energy than I want!
And Liu Chuang was bored and ran forward alone, his face turned fierce, as if he was about to fight

Aaron stood in the same place, just stood there quietly, waiting for everyone to gather in front of him, while Lena looked left and right boringly, like a monkey who couldn't sit still, um!Still a beautiful female monkey!
After more than ten minutes, everyone finally arrived in front of Aaron. Aaron said, "It's not bad. Today is the first training session, and it's also the last time I will lead you to train. The next morning exercises will be led by Reina!"

Aaron praised with a smile. After hearing this, everyone answered yes feebly, but Lena was so excited that she almost jumped up.
"Ah?! Really?! Me?! Me?!"

Lena quickly opened the mouth and said, as if someone was going to grab her

"Yes, that's right! This is a reward for your good performance this morning! Do you know how far you ran this morning?!"

Aaron smiled and said, then changed the subject and asked

"do not know!"

It was still a sparse, weak voice, but the tone was also full of curiosity. Everyone just knew that they had run for a long time, but they didn't have the energy to calculate the distance they ran, so they all looked at him curiously. Aaron in front of him

"The one who ran the longest, apart from Leina, was Xin Zhao. He ran nearly 90 kilometers, which is 90000 meters! In the next two laps, he dragged Ge Xiaolun Cheng and Yaowen around for two laps. He did a great job!"

Aaron glanced at Xin Zhao admiringly, Xin Zhao cracked his mouth and laughed, but when he saw Ge Xiaolun and Cheng Yaowen next to him looking at him, his whole face couldn't help turning black. Two scumbags, still have the face to see themselves like that? !
However, what he doesn't know is that Ge Xiaolun is very dissatisfied now. This guy Xin Zhao really has a plastic brotherhood with us. We agreed to shoulder the injury together. I didn't expect you to eat chicken alone!Plastic brotherhood, nothing wrong with it!
Ge Xiaolun turned his head and looked at Cheng Yaowen, who was awakened by Xin Zhao's slap on the back of the head. The two looked at each other, and nodded in agreement with each other. A strong passion flowed between them!And Xin Zhao looked at the two of them, and always felt that he had lost something, "Could it be morality?!" Xin Zhao suddenly had a flash of inspiration, then raised his hand to touch his conscience, um!Morality is still there!Should not be!
(End of this chapter)

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