Chapter 42 Recording eating and shitting (2)
"Let him in." It was very disappointing for the emperor to be interrupted while eating, and the eyebrows of the emperor had slowly gathered to represent the slightest bit of displeasure.

Didn't the censor hit the gun?What's more, he didn't stay at home so late and hugged his beautiful daughter-in-law on the kang to keep warm. He ran here to find the emperor's displeasure, just looking for behavior!

Jiuhua drank the goat milk scooped for her by the real dragon emperor from the bakelite spoon held in the dragon's claw of Di Zhikui, and smacked her lips happily, it was delicious!

The maids and eunuchs serving in the palace all looked in disbelief as they watched the noble emperor in front of him feeding a furry animal—drinking milk. He always felt that the picture was a bit weird, but harmonious, but he was still a little uncomfortable with it.But the emperor has always been unpredictable, maybe the nine-tailed jackal will be separated in the next second, so don't worry about them palace servants!

However, the small mirror stepped out of the gate of the main hall to deliver the decree.

But after a while, a person wearing court uniform, holding a book in his left hand and a writing brush in his right appeared in front of Dizhikui and Jiuhua.

He didn't dare to raise his head to look up at Tian Yan, and bowed his head in a salute: "Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

Di Zhikui's cold eyes returned to coldness, he glanced sideways at the censor lord, and said: "Censor lord, get up, I'm still eating, since I'm here, why don't you start playing so late? "These words are a little threatening.

The implication is that labor and management are still eating at such a late hour, you better come over and explain something important, otherwise I will kill you!
The censor was also very upset, who told him that it happened to be his turn to be on the night shift?During the day, the censor records the emperor's affairs during the day, and at night, he changes to another censor, but the emperor doesn't like being surrounded by this follower, and always sends the censor away.

But if they are sent away, what the hell will their censor record?So, there is today's scene.The censors are persistent and come every day, so there is absolutely no need to worry about them being late!
If the emperor does not follow the emperor to record, then the official position of censor will definitely disappear in the court in the future, and he will have to fight for his job...

Thinking of this, Lord Yushi took a peek at the emperor's face to see what emotion he had, so that he could speak for himself later.

I don't know this, I was shocked when I saw it!
What is in the emperor's arms?Those blue eyes could still turn around, looking at her cutely all the time.

On second thought, oh, yes, this is the nine-tailed jackal that His Majesty brought into the court two months ago!Seeing that the emperor was still holding the Bakelite spoon in his hand, feeding Jiuhua mouthfuls, Lord Yushi calmed down, and no longer worried about having nothing to write!

As soon as Di Zhikui cast his dangerous eyes on the censor, the censor immediately stood up, not daring to aim at random, and respectfully said: "Your Majesty, I have come to record the history." The implication is that the minister must follow You, take notes, you eat and shit.

The censor's duty is really to record what he eats and shit... That's why Di Zhikui really hates these people!A batch has already been dragged out and cut down.

Jiuhua thought, should the person who records eating and pooping be called Master Yu Shi?Couldn't help but burst out laughing happily.Attracting the emperor to glance sideways, Jiuhua quickly restrained himself and obediently drank the... milk handed over by the emperor.

After the milk in his hand was passed to Jiuhua's mouth, the emperor frowned at Master Yu'shit, his eyes as if cut by a knife, "If you still come here for this matter in the future, don't blame me for not reminding you, your head There is still a head that I don't want, I can take it off!"

The censor trembled in fright, and hurriedly looked at Jiuhua, whose eyes were in the emperor's arms, and hastily said, "Weichen resigns", as if there was a wolf chasing after him in a hurry!
There was one wolf, but he was too busy drinking milk to drive him away.

Jiuhua stared at the lord Yushi with his blue eyes, who was so frightened by Di Zhikui's words, he hurriedly let out his breath, and was tripped by the threshold of the imperial study room.

Dizhikui put another spoonful of milk into Jiuhua's mouth. Jiuhua turned his head and looked up at Dizhikui, thinking—in fact, Dizhikui is not scary, what the hell is he running?

However, what Jiuhua didn't know was that after Lord Yushi hurried home, the news that Emperor Shengyao loved the nine-tailed jackal so much and patiently helped the nine-tailed jackal to nurse him spread, and it spread quickly. Ten, ten spread a hundred, immediately became a household name!

Everyone stared and couldn't believe it—the biggest characteristic of the nine-tailed jackal is that it is vigilant and unfriendly, and will bite everyone.And Emperor Shengyao's habit is that he doesn't rely on humans and animals three feet, and has a serious obsession with cleanliness.

How did they get together?
Everyone is puzzled...


(End of this chapter)

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