Chapter 6
Di Zhikui was displeased, and said coldly: "Get out, I don't want to say it a second time!"

The thing seemed to be frozen and motionless, which made the aura around Di Zhikui even more condensed, who was originally in a bad mood.

The eyelashes moved lightly, and a pair of gloomy eyes that looked at the mountains and rivers all-encompassingly opened, and looked at the strange aura full of the emperor's unhappiness.

Looking at it, that handsome and flawless face showed a slight shock.

This breath turned out to be just a... cub?
The hostility in his eyes disappeared completely, and he looked at the little beast calmly.

At first glance, you might think it is a wolf cub, but when you look closely, it has a fox-like face and nine fluffy snow-like tails behind it, but it is covered with mud for some reason.

Originally, he was supposed to be a noble and arrogant nine-tailed jackal, but there was not a piece of him that was really clean, and his pair of watery and misty eyes seemed to be looking at him in a daze...


Di Zhikui came to a conclusion for this little thing, which also looked like it was born less than three days old. The jackal is the most precious species in the continent, even surpassing the rarest species, the sable.Because jackals are born kings, they can not only command foxes, but also command wolves!Not to mention the nine-tailed jackal, this is the king of kings!
A hint of interest flickered across the cold eyes, and this little fox seemed to be out of his body.

Su Lingqian felt that she was really unlucky, just now she saw the mist of the hot spring not far away, but didn't see anyone here, so she rushed over ecstatically and prepared to take a good bath.

So he stood on the smooth stone wall next to the hot spring, and stretched out a short leg to test the water temperature.Unexpectedly, the paw hadn't touched the water yet, but the man's displeased cold shout suddenly came from his ear, which made Su Lingqian tremble all over in fright, and almost didn't let it go down.

Then, she wanted to see which little bastard dared to stop your aunt from taking a bath, but what she didn't want to see was a handsome, impeccable and arrogant face. handsome!
And the most important point is - the male god has no clothes!
Thinking about it, a pair of watery eyes narrowed into crescent moons, and a still immature fox's mouth opened, and he smiled so lewdly.

Suddenly, there seemed to be something warm coming out of the tip of the nose.

Su Lingqian raised her stiff paws that hadn't touched the surface of the hot spring, stroked her nose, and put it where her eyes could see.

Red, and a little... fishy?Isn't that blood? !What the hell, she had a nosebleed, she saw that the man actually had a nosebleed.

Suddenly, the hind legs twitched violently, the claws became unsteady, and he staggered on the bluestone board, and suddenly staggered——

With a 'plop', the big water splashed, and the little fox fell into the water.

Di Zhikui looked at Su Lingqian's movements with some interest, and raised his eyebrows.Foxes get nosebleeds?He seemed to feel that the fox seemed to be looking at the nosebleed he saw.

The cold and proud eyes looked at the little beast that was still thumping in the water indifferently, letting it thump like this, not worried at all whether it would drown because the hot spring was too deep to swim.

Suddenly, the noble emperor's originally interested eyes sank, as if he had thought of one thing - the little beast was dirty!
As we all know, Emperor Shengyao has a one dares to approach within three feet.

Then... Su Lingqian should think about her own safety now, no, she is almost drowned!

Su Lingqian's heart almost collapsed, didn't she just look at a handsome man, why punish her like this?From now on, I will never dare to look at beautiful men in a daze again!

The warm water squeezed the young Su Lingqian from all directions, and the water choked Su Lingqian so much that she didn't dare to vent her anger. She originally wanted to have a dog dig, but sadly found out that she had never learned to swim!That's worth it!So the four paws began to flop around.

(End of this chapter)

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