The male lead is cute and sweet

Chapter 29 Contract Girlfriend 29

Chapter 29 Contract Girlfriend 29
Xu Lizhou raised his brows slightly, and said in a calm tone, "Cousin, since your future cousin has spoken, you should sit down!"

He still held Jiaying's hand, lowered his head and stroked it carefully. After a long time, Jiaying slowly blushed.

It was only then that she realized that Xu Lizhou even had too good-looking hands, and it was a good match to hold hers.

Although she felt embarrassed to have others watching, she also wanted to keep holding his hand like this and not let go.

Qiao An, who was forcibly fed a handful of dog food: "..."

Forget it, he'd better go, stay and see what it means to show affection.

"Uh, cousin and sister-in-law, I don't want to bother you anymore! After all, I've already made an appointment with a friend, so I'd better go first, goodbye!"

After finishing speaking, Qiao Guang walked out the door without waiting for the two of them to respond.

Jiaying looked at Qiao An's back, raised her eyebrows slightly: "President, Qiao An seems a little afraid of you?"

"Jiaying, you can be more confident and remove the 'as if'."

"Why is this?"

Facing the big curious eyes, Xu Lizhou replied with a light smile: "Because when I was young, I had a year of summer vacation, and I helped him with his homework every day, and I was strict with him. Since then, he has been afraid of me..."

"Hehe, that's how it is." After hearing this, Jiaying found it interesting and laughed.

Just smiling, her smile became extraordinarily bitter.

She was very envious of the cousin relationship between Xu Lizhou and Qiao An.

She really wants to have such a family relationship...

Xu Lizhou is a caring person, so he naturally sensed the bitterness in Jiaying's smile.

He was a little flustered at the time, and he couldn't figure out what was going on. Could it be because he had occupied her hand for too long?

But when he decided to let go of her hand, she held it again instead, and he looked at her suspiciously.

Jiaying's eyes were misty: "President, if I want to keep holding your hand like this, will it affect your eating hot pot?"

Xu Lizhou heard the words, looked down at his right hand that was being held, and replied firmly: "No."

While talking, the waiter had already served all the dishes ordered, and the spicy soup pot was boiling hot. Xu Lizhou picked up the chopsticks with his left hand, holding the dishes firmly...

Seeing that he was as proficient in using his left hand as he was using his right hand, Jiaying was a little surprised, Xu Lizhou is really amazing!
Originally, she was a little sad because she thought that she had no relatives and no reasons in the original world, so she wanted to grasp the only warmth around her in this world, so she didn't want to let go of Xu Lizhou's hand for the time being, and planned to wait until the time of eating. Let go again.

But now, it seems that she really doesn't have to let go!

So, Jiaying and Xu Lizhou ate a spicy beef hot pot with one hand the whole time, the kind that no one would believe if they told it!


After Jiaying and Xu Lizhou ate hot pot, they were not in a hurry to go home.

The two of them also went to the cinema to watch a comedy movie, and went to the largest flower valley in Haicheng. After having dinner together in the evening, Xu Lizhou asked the driver to take Jiaying back to the community first.

Along the way, the system tirelessly encouraged Jiaying:

【Host, Xu Lizhou put down his work and stayed with you all day, shouldn't you give him a little something in return?For example, offering a kiss or giving a hug, shouldn't it be arranged? 】

[Host, I think your progress is still a little slow. If you change to another host, you may have completed the task, don't you think? 】

(End of this chapter)

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