The male lead is cute and sweet

Chapter 87 He Can Hear Her Heartfelt Voice 8

Chapter 87 He Can Hear Her Heartfelt Voice 8
Lin Lizhou is in the last year of elementary school, which is the sixth grade.

The school is about a 10-minute walk away from home, passing through a dense grove on the way.

In the wind and rain, Jiaying held the umbrella tightly with both hands, and walked cautiously on the wet road wearing water shoes.

When approaching the entrance of the grove, a sudden gust of wind blew Jiaying staggering, and the entire umbrella was blown upside down, so she accidentally got caught in some rain.

A bad premonition passed through her heart, and after quickly adjusting the umbrella, Jia Ying wiped off the rain on her face and continued on her way.

As a person who has watched too many horror movies, it is a lie to say that I am not afraid at this time.

While walking, Jiaying uncontrollably played the horror scenes she saw in the movies and TV dramas in her mind, her heart was pounding with fright, feeling nervous and exciting.

There are two families living in the woods, and they have a big wolf dog.

When Jia Ying passed by, the dog heard the unfamiliar footsteps and started barking wildly, bringing some life to the originally silent woods.

Jia Ying was afraid of dogs, but hearing the barking of dogs at this moment, she actually felt a little more secure.

When he was about to walk out of the grove, the dog stopped barking, but there were a few strange calls of birds from the trees.

Jiaying didn't raise her head to look curiously, but stepped out of the grove quickly, and the whole person breathed a sigh of relief.

She commented with lingering fear: "Tong'er, the scene and atmosphere in this grove are really suitable for shooting horror movies."

The system agreed and echoed: 【And, host, if you look up, you will find that there is a wet scarecrow on the tree that has been staring at you, just waiting for you to look up at it! 】

Hearing this, Jiaying had goosebumps all over her body, "Tong'er, how did the scarecrow solve the problem in the original plot?"

Regarding this world, the original plot given by the system is not much, and some small events that have little impact are not mentioned.

For example, the scarecrow now doesn't even have a single word of description in the original plot.

【Actually, I don’t know either...】

The system is guilty, they are going through the headquarters soon, it is getting more and more unreliable.

Even the original plot is not given in detail, as if it wants to let it and the host deal with some things without psychological preparation, maybe this is exciting enough?

So the system didn't know whether the scarecrow was in the original plot or if it was an accident.

Jiaying: "..."

Speechless, what should I do?
Knowing that there is a monster appearing nearby, but don't know how to subdue it, can you still sleep peacefully at night?
Jiaying said that she was very worried about her sleep quality!

Soon we reached the gate of the school, and the rain just stopped.

The school bell rang at this time, Jiaying waited for a while, and finally saw Lin Lizhou wearing a loose school uniform, carrying a schoolbag, and walking out with a few boys.

He is tall and tall, with a lean figure, handsome facial features, and a gentle appearance, making him particularly conspicuous in the crowd.

Jiaying stood where she was, and before she could take a step, she saw Lin Lizhou walking towards her, and naturally took the damp umbrella that had been put away from her hand.

"Jiaying, why are you here?" Lin Lizhou asked in surprise, with some disapproval in his tone.

"It was so windy and windy just now, I was worried about you, so I came here." Jiaying smiled, deliberately not mentioning the scarecrow.

Looking at the familiar and beautiful boy in front of her, even if she didn't become a zombie, she still wanted to protect him!
(End of this chapter)

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