The male lead is cute and sweet

Chapter 90 He Can Hear Her Heartfelt Voice 11

Chapter 90 He Can Hear Her Heartfelt Voice 11
After a month of intermittent rain, the sky finally cleared up completely.

The sun appears on time every day, blooming with dazzling light, illuminating the earth without hesitation.

In the evening, before the sun went down, Jia Ying was strolling in a small park near her house with a medium-sized black dog on her lead.

This was a dog bought by Jia Ying from the market a month ago after learning that a scarecrow had become a spirit. She also named it Xiao Wu, because its hair was black and beautiful, and it grew very well.

When going to sleep at night, put a black dog by the door of the room, it is said that it can play a role in warding off evil spirits, and it adds a lot of security to Jiaying.

It's just that the dog has to go out for a walk every morning and evening to be satisfied, and Lin Lizhou is busy preparing for the junior high school exam this semester, so he doesn't have time to walk the dog, so Jiaying takes the dog out by herself.

While leading the dog, Jia Ying was distracted by other things.

Strange to say, for the past month, the scarecrow behaved as if it didn't exist.

Gradually, the people in the town forgot the rumors about the scarecrow. Even if a person was walking on the road and saw a scarecrow hanging from a tree, his heart would not be disturbed.

I just think: who is idle and has nothing to do, who climbs so high and puts the scarecrow on the tree, afraid that birds will steal the fruit on the tree?
Thinking about it this way, oh, it seems quite reasonable.

The scarecrow can scare away the birds in the fields, and naturally it can also scare away the birds in the trees!

So, no one took it to heart.

But Jiaying knew that things were not that simple, so she had already inquired about the residence of Taoist priest Maoshan, and was ready to ask Taoist priest to come out at any time to help subdue the monster.

As for why not subdue the Scarecrow before it does evil?

Jiaying believes that there are good people and bad people in people, and there should be good and bad in ghosts and ghosts, and they should not casually hurt innocent people.

If the scarecrow can keep its own place and not come out to harm others, then it is not impossible to pretend that it does not exist.


The park for walking dogs is not too big, it is just for people to take a walk and sit for a while. At this time, there are a few elderly people sitting on the stone bench, watching a few children chasing and playing.

Jiaying didn't let the dog get close to the child, and just walked around the edge, but when she came to a tree, the dog suddenly barked at the tree.

Jiaying was stunned, a bad premonition suddenly crossed her heart!

"Xiao Wu, what's wrong with you?"

While gently smoothing the dog's fur, Jia Ying looked up the tree vigilantly, her mental state was tense!
Fortunately, the one on the tree was not the scarecrow she had expected, but a girl about her age.

"Hey, hold your dog, I'm coming down!"

After the girl met her gaze, she shouted.

"...Oh." Jiaying nodded, and pulled the dog back a few steps.

The dog still gritted its teeth and yelled "Woooooooo" from its mouth, looking at its posture, as if it was ready to fight at any time.

When the girl jumped down from the tree, Jia Ying saw the other person clearly, and a strange flash of light flashed in her heart.

She knew who this girl was, the eldest daughter of a medicine shop on the street, named Zhu Rouling, she heard that she was a savage and domineering child, she also dropped out of school before finishing elementary school and stayed at home to help the family collect medicines.

I just don't know why, Xiaowu, who usually understands human nature, doesn't bark when he sees people, but behaves abnormally towards Zhu Rouling?

Could it be...

(End of this chapter)

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