The male lead is cute and sweet

Chapter 97 He Can Hear Her Heartfelt Voice 18

Chapter 97 He Can Hear Her Heartfelt Voice 18
This is the first time that Jiaying has given him a birthday present seriously!
Lin Lizhou didn't guess what it was in his heart, he just waited quietly for Jia Ying to tell him to open his eyes.

"Thump, thump, thump~" Jia Ying grabbed his arm, pulled him to a table, and said happily, "Li Zhou, let's see if you like it?"

After finishing speaking, she lowered her head, and at an angle where the other party could not see, a snicker appeared on the corner of her lips.

"Yeah." For some reason, just hearing her voice, Lin Lizhou had a bad premonition in his heart.

He couldn't wait to open his eyes, and what he saw was a rectangular box with a bow tie, which looked quite big.

"Open it up and see."

Jia Ying urged with a smile, and Lin Lizhou nodded, always feeling that there was a bit of cunning hidden in her pretty smile.

Lin Lizhou couldn't help but twitched the corners of his lips slightly, and couldn't help but guess in his heart, what would be in the box?

Specially scary gadgets?Ugly insects?or...

Slowly unwrapping the bow tie, and then slowly opening the box, Lin Lizhou was taken aback for a moment when he saw the contents inside, and then he couldn't laugh or cry.

"Small Entrance Exams", "Small Entrance Sprint General Review", "Small Entrance Exams"...

Lin Lizhou picked it up one by one and looked at it. There were 8 books in total, and the cover was brand new.

Who gives birthday presents like these?

He took a few breaths quietly and told himself that he should keep smiling, "Jiaying, thank you, I like this gift very much."

Jiaying naturally saw his true mood, so she patted him on the shoulder and smiled slyly: "Well, then you have to study hard and try to get a good grade in the exam when you graduate!"

Lin Lizhou still kept smiling: "I will."

Then, I put this special birthday gift next to my pile of exercises for easy use.

At that time, Jiaying didn't know what it meant to be paid back when she came out to mess around, until half a year later——

Just as Jiaying woke up from her afternoon nap, she saw Lin Lizhou directing two workers to move an oversized cardboard box into the study.

Lin Lizhou waved to her with a smile: "Jiaying, come, these are my birthday presents for you."

Jia Ying walked over in response, looked at Lin Lizhou who was smiling slyly, and then looked at the big cardboard box that was big enough to hold her. This scene always felt particularly familiar.

"What is it?" Jiaying asked weakly, a little afraid to think.

Lin Lizhou replied very generously: "The books and notes of the three years of junior high school, I bought the champion of this year's senior high school entrance examination. There are also some real test papers, which I bought at another bookstore. I gave them all to you. Don't be moved." I have to cry!"

"..." Jia Ying was speechless, and really wanted to cry.

Six months ago, she sent out eight exercise papers, and half a year later, she got back a big box!

A big box oh a big box!It sounds like she still made money?
Jiaying was bitter in her heart, but she still had to keep smiling like Lin Lizhou did back then: "Thank you, I like it very much. From now on, it won't cost me so much..."

Smiling on the surface, crying in my heart.

Lin Lizhou smiled and stroked her hair, deliberately trying to tease her: "For you, how can it be called a waste? And for the future high school and college courses, I will buy those books and papers for you."

After hearing this, Jiaying lowered her head slightly, with a complicated look in her eyes, and she muttered in her heart——

Lizhou, maybe we can't wait to go to college, and we don't know how far our future is.

(End of this chapter)

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