yellow-green fairy tale book

Chapter 13 Cowardly Samba

Chapter 13 Cowardly Samba

In the far south, there is a great country where the Nile River flows through. The king who rules this country has an only son, and his name is Samba.

Ever since Samba could walk, he has shown a sense of fear towards everything, and the older he grows, the less courageous he becomes.At first, his father's friends didn't take it seriously, saying:
"It is very strange that a boy of our people should run into his hut in fright at the cry of an elephant, and tremble with fear at the approach of a lion cub only half his size. But, after all, he Still young, when he grows up, he will be as brave as everyone else."

"Yes, he's only a little boy," said the King, who happened to overhear them talking, "and he'll get better." But somehow he sighed as he said this.The friends looked at him and said nothing more.

A few years later, Samba has grown into a tall and strong boy, he has a good temper, optimistic, everyone likes him.Even though he rarely showed up on dangerous occasions such as his father's hunting activities, because everyone spoiled him, no one said much.

"When the king throws a feast and declares him heir to his throne, he is no longer a child." When the day came for the ceremony, hearts were beating with excitement, and one another was congratulating.

"Samba, it's Samba, the other's head is no higher than his chin. He'll protect us from the bandit horde!"

Several weeks later, the villagers woke up to find that their herds had been stolen during the night, and their herdsmen had been taken as slaves by the enemy.It's time for Samba to show his manly valor and lead his clan's warriors into battle.But everyone couldn't find him anywhere, so the Avengers had to leave him, form a team and set off.

Several days later, Samba returned with his head held high and his chest held high, and he told the people that he had risked his life by following a lion to its den and killing it.Perhaps earlier, his subjects would have listened to the story and believed him, but now it was too late.

"Cowardly Samba!" someone shouted from the crowd, and the nickname stuck with him from then on, even children would call it to him, and even his father would not forgive him.Later, Samba couldn't bear it anymore, and he made up his mind to leave his country and go to a place full of peace as long as human beings can remember.

So, early next morning, he slipped into the King's stables, picked out the tameest horse he could find, and rode on to the north.

Samba never forgot the horror of the journey.He could hardly sleep at night, always dreading that there were beasts lurking in every rock and underbrush.During the day, the roar of a lion in the distance would make him tremble with fear and almost fall off his horse.Many times he wanted to go back, but he didn't, not because he was afraid of the sneers and ridicule of the people, but because he was afraid of having to fight.Therefore, he bit the bullet and continued to move forward.

Finally, he saw a city bigger than he imagined standing in front of him, and he couldn't help but feel relieved.

He straightened his body, rode his horse with head held high, entered the gate of the city, and passed in front of the palace.As usual, the princess was sitting on the balcony of the palace at this time, looking down at the bustling street below.

"This young man is so mighty!" The princess thought to herself when she saw Samba riding a tall black horse nimbly through the crowd.So the princess called a servant, and bade him go to this strange young man, and ask him who he was and where he came from.

The servant came back after questioning Samba, and replied to the princess:
"Oh, princess, he is the son of a king, and heir to the throne of a great country on the banks of the Nile." When the princess heard this, she called her father, and said that if she was not allowed to marry this young man, she would never marry.

Like many fathers, the king would not refuse his daughter's request, and she had turned down so many suitors that the king was really worried that no one would be worthy of her.So he called Samba and had a conversation with Samba, and Samba's humor and pleasing manners pleased the king, so he agreed.

Three days later, the king held a grand wedding ceremony for Samba and his daughter.

The princess was very proud of her burly and handsome husband, and she was quite satisfied with Samba for a while.He would spend romantic time with her under the palm tree, tell her her favorite stories, tell her about the customs and customs of his hometown, all of which made the princess feel new and interesting.But after a while, the princess felt dissatisfied, and she wanted others to be proud of him, so one day she said to Samba:

"I wish those Moorish brigands from the north would come here and rob once, and I should like to see you on horseback, leading our men and driving them home. Ah, when the whole city sings of your deeds, I How happy it will be!"

She looked at Samba affectionately as she spoke, but to her surprise, his face suddenly darkened, and he replied in a panic:

"Stop talking to me about the Moors or the war! That's why I fled my country! If you ever say the word aggression again, I'll leave you forever!"

"You are so funny!" said the princess, unable to restrain a laugh, "a man of your stature would be afraid of the Moors! But don't say that to anyone but me, or they will take it from you." You are serious about what you say."

Not long after this, when the people of the city held a great feast outside the city, a party of Moors, who had been lurking here for several days, took the opportunity to drive away all the sheep grazing on the hillside.Within a few hours, people found that the flock was lost, and the king ordered the drums to be beaten, and the soldiers were assembled in the large square in front of the palace.Everyone was trembling with hatred for being insulted like this. They shouted the slogan of revenge and Samba's name, hoping that Samba, as the king's son-in-law, would lead them to fight.But no matter how they shouted, Samba didn't come.

So where is he?In fact, not far away, he hid in a dark cellar in the palace, curled up in those big clay pots used to hold grain.His wife, the princess, found him there, not to mention how uncomfortable she was.She tried every means to arouse his shame, but to no avail.Compared with the danger of war, the ridicule of the common people is nothing.

"Take off your clothes and your armor," said the princess at last, in a voice so stern and severe that no one could guess what she meant, "and your helmet, and your sword and spear! Samba looked around in fear, and took off the gold-encrusted armor that was the king's son-in-law.His wife silently took them one by one and put them on her body.Without even looking at the tall body of her husband who was still curled up in the corner, she buckled her belt, put down the visor of her helmet, walked out of the cellar, rode on Samba's war horse, and waved to the soldiers to follow.

Although the princess is much shorter than her husband, she is considered tall among women, and the horse she rides is taller than others, so when everyone sees her shining golden armor, there is no doubt at all. It was Samba who came to lead them out and cheered her loudly.The princess nodded to them, but did not pull up her visor.She whipped her horse and galloped in front of the team, and the troops followed her to attack the enemy.The Moors didn't expect to be caught up so quickly. They didn't have time to form a battle formation, and they were quickly beaten and fled.

So the princess led this small cavalry team back in triumph, and everyone praised their leader Samba.

As soon as they entered the palace, the princess gave the horse to the groom, and went away by a little staircase beside it.From here she can go back to her room without anyone noticing.She saw her husband lounging on a pile of mattresses.Seeing the door open, he looked up at his wife uneasily, wondering what she would do to him.However, he need not fear being scolded at all.The princess just took off the armor quickly and told him to put it on quickly.Samba did as she said, not daring to ask more questions.After he put on his armor, she told him to come out with him, and led him to the balcony, where many people had already gathered, and they cheered vigorously:

"Samba! The king's son-in-law! Samba! The warrior among the warriors! Where is he? Let him out!" When Samba really appeared in front of them, the cheers and applause became louder and louder. , "Look how humble he is! He yields the honor to someone else!" they cried.Samba just smiled, waved his hand, and said nothing.

Among the crowd who paid Samba their respect, there was only one person who did not join the others in cheering him, and that person was the princess' little brother.During the battle, his sharp eyes had noticed that the one who led them was more like his sister than his brother-in-law.After the other princes promised to keep it secret, he told them about his suspicions.But it caused their ridicule, let him go to other places and talk like this in his sleep.

"Well!" replied the little prince, "we shall wait and see who is right. Next time I fight against the Moors I will mark our commander."

Although the Moors were defeated, it didn't take long before they sent a group of people to steal cattle.Samba's wife put on her husband's armor again and rushed to the forefront of the revenge team.This battle was fought much more fiercely than the previous one.During the melee, the little prince approached his sister and gently cut a small wound on her leg.At that time, she barely felt the pain of the wound.When the enemy was driven away and the army returned to the palace, she suddenly felt dizzy, and finally walked up the stairs and returned to her room.

"I'm hurt," she yelled, falling headfirst on the cushion Samba had just been lying on. No one will doubt that it was I who went to the fight and not you."

"What?" cried Samba, his eyes widening in horror. "How can you think of me doing such a boring and painful thing? Hey! I might as well go to the battlefield myself."

"Ah, I really didn't expect it, really!" The princess's voice was so weak that it seemed to come from a distant place, but the moment Samba turned around, she pointed a spear at him. The leg was stabbed.

He gave a loud scream and staggered back a few steps, more out of surprise than pain.Before he could speak, however, his wife had gone out to the palace doctor.

"My husband is hurt," she said when she found the doctor. "Get it done quickly, he's weak from the bleeding." She said it very loudly so the others could hear.On this day, many people crowded at the gate of the palace to inquire about this warrior.

"Look?" said the king's eldest son, coming out of Samba's room, and saw Samba lying there moaning. "Look, my clever little brother, we were right, but you were wrong! It was the battlefield where Samba himself went." The little prince didn't say anything, but just nodded, feeling very confused.

Only two days later, the Moors came again.Although the livestock had been moved to another safe place, it was soon discovered and snatched by Moorish robbers.These Moorish robbers communicated to each other: "The last time they beat us so badly, they would never expect us to come again so soon."

When the drums sounded to call the army together, the princess arose and looked for her husband.

"Samba," she said, "my injury is worse than I thought. I can't even walk, and I can't even get on a horse without help. I can't help you today. You have to go by yourself."

"Absurd!" said Samba. "I have never heard of such a thing. Why, I might be wounded, or even killed! You have three brothers, and the king can choose one of them!"

"They're young," replied the wife, "and the army won't listen to them. If you don't want to go, at least help me get my horse ready." He was always willing to be asked for his help, as long as there was no danger. Yes, so he immediately agreed.

The horse was soon ready, when the princess said again:
"You ride your horse outside, I'll take a short cut to meet you, and I'll replace you." As long as there's no danger and no need to fight, Samba also likes to ride a horse, so he turned over and rode on the horse. .Seeing that he was sitting still, his wife picked up the whip and lashed the horse hard.The horse took a whip and rushed out immediately, out of the city, and rushed to the front of the army that was forming outside the city, waiting for Samba to command the brave enemy.

When the soldiers saw him rushing to the front, they immediately followed up.It was impossible for Samba to rein in his horse at this time.It didn't take long before they overtook the Moorish robber.

Then a miracle happened.The coward Samba, who had always been a deserter, found that he was surrounded by enemies and could no longer escape. Something seemed to be injected into his body, and he used all his strength to fight.When a man of his stature puts his mind to it, he usually fights very well.

This day's victory should be attributed entirely to Samba.The cheers of the people were louder than before.When he returned to the palace with the sword of the Moorish leader, the old king embraced him tightly and said:

"Ah! my child, how can I express my gratitude for your glorious deeds!"

Samba, who had gotten rid of his timidity, appeared to be more excellent and loyal at this time. He replied without any concealment:
"My father, it is your daughter who should be grateful, not me.

It was she who changed me from a coward to a brave man. "

(End of this chapter)

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