yellow-green fairy tale book

Chapter 36 Finally Knowing the Scared Boy

Chapter 36 Finally Knowing the Scared Boy
Once upon a time there was a woman who had a son whom she loved very much.The small house they lived in was built on the edge of the forest.This place is very remote, with no neighbors around, the boy can only stay at home with his mother.

On a cold winter night, the mother and son were sitting together when a sudden storm blew the door open.The woman was startled and trembling all over. She looked back, as if something terrible was about to happen. "Go and close the door!" he said to his son in a panic, "I feel scared!"

"Scared?" The boy repeated, "What does it feel like to be afraid?"

"Well... fear is fear," mother replied, "fear of something happening. You don't know what you are afraid of, but it will haunt you all the time."

"It must be a strange feeling," said the boy, "and I will travel the world until I find it." He left the forest the next morning before his mother was up.

After walking for several hours, he came to the foot of a mountain and began to climb up.Near the top of the mountain, there is a strange rocky and desolate place.

There he met a vicious band of robbers who were sitting round a fire.The boy was cold and tired, and he was so happy to see the bright fire, so he went to the robbers. "Hello, gentlemen!" he greeted, squeezing in between them until his feet almost touched the burning logs.

The robbers stopped drinking and all stared at him in amazement.At last the bandit leader spoke:
"Armed caravans dare not come here, and even birds avoid our territory. Who are you, so brave, you dare to come here?"

"Oh, I left home looking for fear, maybe you can show me what fear is?"

"Where we appear, there is fear!" said the bandit leader.

"But where is the fear?" the boy asked.He looked around. "I don't see anything."

"Take this pan, and some flour, and butter, and sugar, and go over there to the graveyard and bake us a cake for our supper!" said the Robber.At this time, the boy's body warmed up, he jumped up happily, and ran down the mountain with the pot.

Arriving at the cemetery, he gathered some twigs to light a fire, then filled a pan of water from a nearby stream, and mixed flour, butter, and sugar, and sat down to bake cakes.Before long, the pastry starts to get crispy and yellow.The boy took out the pastry and put it on the stone, then he turned off the fire.Just then a hand stretched out from the grave, and a voice said:

"Is this cake for me?"

"Do you think I'd give the dead what the living eat?" The boy replied with a smile, and tapped the hand with a spoon, then picked up the cake, whistled, and bounced up the mountain.

"Hey! Have you found your fear?" asked the robbers as he offered the pastry to the leader.

"No, where is the fear?" replied the boy, "I saw nothing but a hand reaching out from the grave, and it wanted my cake, but I tapped the hand with a spoon. hand, said it was not for him, and the hand disappeared. Wow! This fire is burning so hot!" He sat cross-legged in front of the fire, not noticing that the robbers were exchanging surprised eyes. Looking at each other.

"One more chance," said another robber at last, "there is a deep pool on the other side of the mountain, and you may meet something scary on your way there."

"I hope so!" The boy set off immediately after finishing speaking.

Soon he saw the deep pool.Under the moonlight, the water sparkled.He slowly approached the deep pool, and found a swing hanging high above the water, and there was a child sitting on it, crying desperately.

"Strange! Why is the swing hanging here?" The boy thought to himself, "Why is he crying?" When he walked quickly to the child, a girl ran up to him and said to him:

"I want to take my little brother off the swing," she cried, "but it's too high for me to reach. If you could get a little closer to the edge of the pool, let me stand on your shoulders. I think I'll be able to reach him."

"I'd love to!" replied the boy.In a blink of an eye, the girl had already climbed onto his shoulders. She could have easily hugged her brother off the swing, but she didn't do that. Instead, she clamped the boy's neck tightly with her feet.Soon the boy felt that he was about to suffocate, and even if he didn't suffocate, he would fall into the deep pool.So, the boy used all his strength to throw the girl back.She fell to the ground and a bracelet fell from her hand.

The boy picked up the bracelet.

"A lot of strange things have happened since I left home, so let's keep it as a souvenir." He said to himself, and turned to look at the child. The child and the swing were gone. He saw It is the first ray of dawn that has appeared on the horizon.

The boy put the bracelet on his hand, walked across a plain at the foot of the mountain, and came to a small town.At this time, the boy was hungry and thirsty.A demon stopped him when he was walking on a street. "Where did you get this bracelet?" said the devil, "it's mine."

"No, it's mine," the boy argued.

"Nonsense! It's not yours! Give it to me right away! Or I'll make you miserable!" roared the demon.

"Let's go to the judge and tell him the whole process," the boy suggested. "If the judge awards it to you, it will be yours; if the judge awards it to me, it will be mine."

The demon approved of the proposal.So the two came to the trial hall together.The judge listened to their respective statements very carefully, and then announced his verdict: Neither the boy nor the devil could prove that the bracelet belonged to him, so the bracelet was temporarily kept by the judge. Bringing the other bracelet proved that it belonged to him.

After hearing the judge's verdict, the devil and the boy looked at me and I looked at you, as if they were saying, "Where shall we find another bracelet?" But they knew it was useless to argue the verdict, so they both bowed out.

The boy walked aimlessly, not knowing where to go, and later, he found that he had reached the seaside.

Not far away, a ship ran aground and was sinking rapidly.The crew gathered on the deck, pale as death, waving and shouting.

"Did you see the fear?" the boy shouted loudly.Through the sound of the waves he heard the crew's answer.

"Oh, help! Help! We're drowning."

The boy quickly stripped off his clothes and swam to the boat, where the men pulled him onto the deck.

"The ship is rocking and will sink soon," the crew cried. "We are drowning, we are all terrified!"

"Give me a rope," said the boy.He took the rope, tied one end to his waist, and the other end to the ship's mast, and jumped into the sea.He dived down until his feet hit the bottom of the ocean, then he stood up and looked around.An evil mermaid is pulling an iron chain vigorously. She uses a magnet to attract the iron chain to the side of the boat. Under her pull, the boat is sinking little by little.The boy reached out and grabbed her arm, forcing her to let go of the chain.So the ship on the sea returned to stability, and the crew drove the ship away from the reef slowly, and the ship was saved.Then he picked up a rusty knife from a clump of seaweed at his feet, cut the rope around his waist, and tied the mermaid tightly to the stone, so that the mermaid could do no more mischief.At last the boy said goodbye to the mermaid, and swam back to the shore, where his clothes remained.

The young man quickly dressed and left.He came to a beautiful garden.The garden is full of green trees and flowers, and a clear stream flows through the garden.It was hot and he felt tired, so he went in and sat down by a bush of fragrant red flowers in full bloom.After a while, he fell asleep.Suddenly, a sound of flapping wings accompanied by a gust of cool wind woke him up. He raised his head vigilantly, and saw three pigeons plunged into the creek, causing waves of water. They splashed happily in the water, and then dived into the stream. Very deep bottom.When they reappeared, it was no longer three doves, but three beautiful maidens, with a mother-of-pearl table between them.There are wine glasses made of pink and green shells on the table. One of the girls pours a glass of wine from a crystal goblet. When she is about to lift the glass and pour it into her mouth, another girl stops her.

"Whose health are you drinking to?" she asked.

"To the lad who made the pastry, he hit me with the spoon when I stuck my hand out of the ground," said the girl. "He's not as frightened as the others! But who are you toasting to?" ?”

"For the young man who put me on his shoulders by the pool, he threw me down so hard that I lay unconscious for hours," answered the second maiden. "But, girl," she said, turning to the other girl, "whom are you drinking for?"

"I dived to the bottom to hold a boat, rocked it and pulled it, and it was about to sink," she said.

The way she speaks is very different from when she's playing tricks with the chain in her hand. "But at this time a young man came and not only saved the ship, but also tied me to a stone. I drink to his health!" They raised their glasses at the same time and drank it down.

When they put down their wine glasses, the young man appeared in front of them.

"I am the young man you toasted to his health, here I come. Now please give me the other gemstone bracelet that one of you has dropped. A demon is trying to take it from me Go, I won't give it to him. He dragged me to the judge. The judge took off the bracelet and asked me to show him the other one. I ran here and there, looking around, and came to this place. Weird place."

"Then come with us!" said the girls.They led him down a passage into a hall.In the hall were many rooms, each more beautiful and luxurious than the last.The eldest maiden took down from a shelf piled high with gold and silver jewels a bracelet identical to the one held by the judge.She put the bracelet on the boy's hand.

"Go and show it to the judge," she said, "and he will give you the other one."

"I will never forget you," replied the boy, "and it may be a long time before we meet again, until I find my fear." So he continued on his way.He got the bracelet back from the judge.After that, he continued his journey of finding fear.

The boy walked and walked, but he never encountered fear along the way.One day he walked into a large town where all the streets and squares were so crowded that he could not get through the crowd.

"Why are all the people gathered here?" he asked a man beside him.

"The ruler of this country is dead," replied the man, "but he has no children, so he needs to choose an heir. Every morning a holy dove is released from the tower, and on whose head the dove sits, Who is our king. In a few minutes the doves will be released, just wait and see what happens."

All eyes were on the tall tower in the middle of the square. When the sun was right on the top of the tower, a door above opened, and a beautiful dove glowing with red, gray, green and blue lights Straight into the sky.I saw it flying in the air, flying, flying, circling among the crowd, and finally landed on the boy's head.Suddenly, there were warm cheers from all directions:

"King! King!" Just as the young man was listening to the cheers, a scene flashed through his mind like lightning: he saw himself sitting on the throne, spending his whole life trying to govern the country, trying to make the poor To be rich, to make sad people happy, to turn bad people into good people... But I never did what I wanted to do, and I couldn't even marry the girl I loved.

"No! No!" he screamed, covering his face with his hands; but those who heard him, thinking that he could not stand the riches and riches that awaited him, paid no heed.

"Okay, let's release a few more pigeons just to be sure," they said.But every dove landed on the boy's head just like the first dove, and the cheers grew louder.

"King! King!" When the young man heard these cheers, he couldn't help shivering. He didn't understand what was wrong.

"This is the fear you've been looking for." A voice sounded in his ear, as if speaking to him alone.He lowered his head, and the scene just now flashed before his eyes again.He bowed his head, accepted the arrangement of fate, and prepared to spend his life in fear.

(End of this chapter)

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