Chapter 190

"Yellow Ape" Polusalino, one of the three generals of the Navy Headquarters, and the owner of the Natural Shining Fruit.

Phillips Meili, the former captain of One Piece and the owner of the three-color domineering.

"Yellow Ape" Polusalino looked at Phillips Merry, and his tone was no longer laziness in dealing with the Straw Hats, but dignified.

"Phillips Meili, since you have already joined the navy and went to sea with Vice Admiral Tianyu, why do you want to help Pluto Sirbaz Raleigh?"

"After so many years of friendship, it is impossible to watch a general of your navy and a lieutenant general with the strength of a general deal with him together." Although Phillips Meili's tone was very flat, everyone could hear Phillips Meili's tone that kind of confidence.

"Then there is no need to discuss it, Amazono Cloud Sword." A golden long sword formed of light appeared in the hand of the yellow ape Polusalino.

"I'm just like that old guy Garp, a physique owner. You use the sword formed by the fruit ability, but it's useless to me." After Phillips Meili finished speaking, his whole body was instantly covered with a layer of jet-black armed domineering .

"Not always!"

"Yellow Ape" Polusalino slashed at Phillips Meili.


Phillips Meili raised his arm to directly block "Yellow Ape" Polusalino's lightsaber.

Phillips Meili's arm was unharmed, but the lightsaber of "Yellow Ape" Polusalino also did not disappear.

Although the armed color domineering restrains the natural system, but it also depends on the person.

To the strength of Phillips Meili and "Yellow Ape" Polusalino.

In fact, armed domineering and devil fruit ability users cannot restrain each other.

"Yellow Ape" Polusalino's lightsaber continuously chopped off Phillips Meili's armed arm.

Phillips Meili also couldn't restrain the lightsaber of "Yellow Ape" Polusalino.

It just depends on who will show his flaws first when the two are fighting.


"Yellow Ape" Polusalino raised his other hand, a light appeared in his hand, and then he attacked Phillips Meili.

Phillips Merry flicked away "Yellow Ape" Polusalino's Amacongun sword, and then dodged "Yellow Ape" Polusalino's "laser" light.

Phillips Meili appeared behind "Yellow Ape" Polusalino, raised his foot and kicked "Yellow Ape" Polusalino's back.

"Yellow Ape" Polusalino also noticed Phillips Meili's movements.

Since Phillips Meili flicked the Amacongun sword away and avoided the laser light, "Yellow Ape" Polusalino had already guarded against Phillips Meili's attack.

"Yellow Ape" Polusalino dodged Phillips Meili's attack, then raised Amacongun Sword and swung it towards Phillips Meili.


"Yellow Ape" Polusalino's Amacongyun sword was once again blocked by Phillips Meili with his arm.

"Fist Soul...Shock Wave"

Phillips Meili raised his other hand, and then attacked "Yellow Ape" Polusalino.

Phillips Meili's fist was wrapped with a fist, and then materialized as a phantom, a wave of energy attacked "Yellow Ape" Polusalino.

"Yellow Ape" Polusalino didn't have time to dodge, and his body was directly pierced.

But the elementalized "Yellow Ape" Polusalino was not harmed.

After all, qi waves cannot produce armed domineering.

"Yellow Ape" Polusalino disappeared, appeared on the right of Phillips Meili, and raised his foot to attack Phillips Meili.

"Light Speed ​​Kick"

Phillips Merry dodged the attack of "Yellow Ape" Polusalino in an instant.

The light kicked by "Yellow Ape" Polusalino cut off a red tree in an instant.

Phillips Meili ignored the severed mangrove tree, but attacked Polusalino the "Yellow Ape".

"Destruction Footprint Kick"

Phillips Meili jumped into the air and raised his foot to attack Polusalino the "Yellow Ape".

A powerful airflow was generated in front of Phillips Meili's sword.

"Yellow Ape" Polusalino did not choose to fight recklessly, and immediately avoided.


Just now, a large pit appeared where "Yellow Ape" Polusalino was standing.

Phillips Meili is now in the pit looking at Polusalino, the "yellow ape" not far away.

"The Yellow Ape Polusalino, one of the three most powerful generals in the Navy Headquarters, is nothing more than that!"

Usually, "Yellow Ape" Polusalino molested others during the battle, but he never expected that "Yellow Ape" Polusalino would also be molested.

"Yellow Ape" Polusalino ignored Phillips Meili's teasing, and looked at Phillips Meili in agreement and said: "You are a former captain of One Piece, even if I am defeated by you, then spread the word I'm not ashamed, not to mention I haven't failed yet."

"Yellow Ape" Polusalino's words are indeed correct. After all, Phillips Meili is the main combat member of the captain of One Piece, even if "Yellow Ape" Polusalino is defeated.

The reputation of the Admiral of the Navy will not suffer any loss.

But if once "Yellow Ape" Polusalino beats Phillips Meili.

Then the reputation of "Yellow Ape" Polusalino will be much stronger in the future.

This is also the reason why "Yellow Ape" Polusalino is now working hard to fight Phillips Meili.

After all, Phillips Meili was once the main combat member on the One Piece ship.

"Really! Then let you try the taste of the old man's fist!" After Phillips Meili finished speaking, her pitch-black fist turned red.

As if the steel was burning red, Phillips Meili looked at "Yellow Ape" Polusalino and roared.

"Red Fist... Flame Fighting Soul"

A wave of red air carried scorching heat and attacked Polusalino the "Yellow Ape".

"Amazon Cloud Sword... Slaying the Dragon"

"Yellow Ape" Polusalino raised the Amacongyun sword and slashed at the wave of energy attacking Phillips Meili.


The strong airflow made the Straw Hats retreat again and again.

"Yellow Ape" Polusalino watched in astonishment as Amazono Yunjian was slowly swallowed by the red air flow attacked by Phillips Meili.

"Yellow Ape" Polusalino avoided the red airflow that continued to attack after devouring Amacongyun Sword with a look of shock.

"I didn't expect that your armed domineering has reached such a level!" Polusalino the yellow ape appeared, looking at Phillips Meili in surprise.

"Didn't that old guy Garp tell you about it! Even if that bastard Garp didn't tell you, that old guy Zefa must have told you some! After all, you were a student of that old guy Zefa." Philip Si Meili looked at the surprised "Yellow Ape" Polusalino, and said with a playful tone.

Garp is like Luffy, one-sided.

How could it be possible to tell the three generals these things, and "Yellow Ape" Polusalino and Zefa were already at odds when they were in the academy, so they didn't tell "Yellow Ape" Polusalino.

(End of this chapter)

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