One Piece: Eternal Justice

Chapter 206 Tianyu Tells a Story to Bai Xing

Chapter 206 Tianyu Tells a Story to Bai Xing
The reason why Tianyu understands so clearly is when he watched One Piece before.

Tianyu understood everything about Princess Baixing very carefully.

Princess Baixing looked at this very handsome man who suddenly appeared with a smile on his face.

The panic and fear on his face were all inside the shell, and he buried his head deeply.

Tianyu looked at the timid Bai Xing and smiled slightly.

"Let me introduce myself, I'm not a bad person, and the lieutenant general of the Navy headquarters, my name is Meng Qid Tianyu, and I have a cooperative relationship with your father, so you don't need to be so afraid of me."

Hearing Tianyu's words, the frightened expression on Princess Baixing's face gradually disappeared.

Bai Xing looked at Tianyu, looked at Tianyu with big beautiful eyes and said: "You are really my father's friend, and what is the navy, are you the guards of other kingdoms?"

Being able to cooperate with King Neptune, Bai Xing has classified Tianyu as a friend of his father King Neptune.

But Princess Baixing stayed in the shell for ten years, and she didn't know anything about the outside world, so she didn't know what the navy was.

Do you think they are guards from other countries?

That's why Princess Baixing looked at Tianyu in bewilderment and asked.

"No, we specialize in dealing with bad guys, those so-called pirates, so our navy represents justice." Tianyu said with a serious tone and a righteous face.

"Then I don't know why you came back here." Of course, the innocent Princess Bai Xing would not know that Tianyu came here for her, but it was impossible for Tianyu to tell the truth.

So Tianyu glanced at Bai Xing with a smile, and then said in a gentle tone.

"It's my first time to come to Dragon Palace, and I accidentally got lost. I'm sorry, I surprised you, lovely princess."

"So it's like this!" Princess Baixing looked at Tianyu.

Damn, I will believe it like this, Bai Xing is really cute and innocent!
Where do you live in the Dragon Palace, and what do those guards do.

How could it be possible for Nilu to come here without being discovered by the guards of the Dragon Palace.

Only Princess Bai Xing, who is ignorant of the world, would believe such a reason.

Let me tell you a story, Tianyu felt that he used those stories from his previous life to cheat Princess Bai Xing's favor.

"Okay! Okay!" Bai Xing looked happy, after all, staying here for ten years might be boring.

"One winter, the queen was sitting in the palace doing needlework for her daughter. She looked up out of the window and saw the snowflakes flying outside the window. When she didn't pay attention, the needle pricked her finger, and it turned red. The blood flowed out, and a few drops fell on the snowflakes that drifted into the window. She gazed thoughtfully at the bright red drops on the white snow, and said, "I wish my little daughter's skin was as white as this white snow and snow." So gorgeous and tender as the bright red blood, and her hair is as black and shiny as the ebony of the window! "Her little daughter grew up gradually. Her skin was really white and tender like snow, and rosy like blood, and her hair was as black as ebony. So the queen named her Snow White. But before Snow White grew up, her queen mother died.

Soon Papa King took another wife.The queen was very beautiful, but she was very proud and jealous, and could not bear to hear that anyone was more beautiful than she.She has a magic mirror, and she often goes up to the mirror to admire herself, and asks the mirror, "Mirror! Mirror! Tell me the truth, who is the prettiest of all the women here." The mirror replies, "It is you, Queen! You are here The most beautiful woman." She would smile with satisfaction.

Snow White grew up slowly and became more and more beautiful.At the age of seven, she was more gorgeous than the bright spring, more beautiful than the queen.The queen asked the magic mirror as usual, and the mirror said, "Queen, you are beautiful, but Snow White is a thousand times more beautiful than you!" One of the servants said to him, "Take Snow White to the Great Forest and give me her heart. I don't want to see her again."

The servant took Snow White into the forest, and when he was about to kill her, she wept and begged him not to kill her.Faced with the pleading of the beautiful princess, the servant couldn't bear to kill her, and said: "I won't kill you, you go." After finishing speaking, the servant left.

Snow White was very frightened and wandered in the forest, looking for a way out.Beasts howled around her, but did her no harm.She ran and ran, turned over seven mountains, and crossed seven bridges. When it was dark, she finally came to a small house.She opened the door and walked in, and found that everything in the house was arranged in an orderly manner, very neat and clean.A table was covered with a white cloth, and on it were seven small plates, each containing a loaf of bread and something to eat, and next to the plates were in turn seven glasses full of wine, seven knives and Forks, etc., and seven cots lined up against the wall.Hungry and thirsty, she went up and ate a little piece of each loaf, and drank a little from each glass.After eating and drinking, she felt very tired and wanted to lie down and rest. When she came to the little bed, she tried all seven beds, and they were either too long or too short, until the seventh bed was suitable.She lay down on it and soon fell asleep.

Soon the owners of the house came back, seven dwarfs who were mining gold in the mountains.They lit seven lamps and found that someone had moved something in the house.The first asked, "Who has sat on my stool?" The second asked, "Who has eaten from my plate?" The third asked, "Who has eaten my bread?" The fourth asked: " Who touched my spoon?" asked the fifth, "who used my fork?" asked the sixth, "who used my knife?" asked the seventh, "who used my wine?" The first one then looked around, went to the bed, and cried, "Who is sleeping in my bed?" Everyone ran up, and followed suit, "My God, what a lovely girl she is." My child!" They looked at her joyfully and lovingly, for fear of waking her up.

The seventh dwarf took turns sleeping with the other dwarfs for an hour each, and passed the night.The next morning, when Snow White woke up, she was shocked to see seven dwarfs around her, but they asked very kindly, "What's your name?" She replied, "My name is Snow White." The dwarfs asked again, "How did you come to our house?" So Snow White told them all about herself.

They sympathized with her very much and said: "If you are willing to clean up the house, cook, wash, spin, and mend clothes for us, you can stay here and we will take care of you with all our heart." Snow White said happily said: "I am very willing." So the seven dwarfs went to the mountains every day to find gold and silver, while Snow White stayed at home and did some housework.

The servant went back to report. The queen thought that Snow White was dead. Now she must be the most beautiful woman in the world. She went to the magic mirror and said, "Mirror! Mirror! Tell me who is the most beautiful woman in the world?" Mirror He answered, "It is you, Queen! You are the most beautiful woman in the land, but on the other side of the hill, in the little house of the Seven Dwarfs, Snow White is a thousand times more beautiful than you." The Queen was astonished. She can never tolerate anyone more beautiful than her living in this world.So she dressed up as an old grocer and went to the house of the seven dwarfs.

She knocked on the door and called, "Ribbons, beautiful ribbons." Snow White looked out of the window and said, "Hello, old man! What do you sell?" She replied, "Good stuff, all kinds of silk." pretty ribbons" Snow White ran to open the door.When the old woman came in, she said, "Alas! look at your corset. Let me put you on a beautiful new one." Snow White never dreamed that the old woman was a queen.The old woman tied the belt around her chest, and suddenly, she pulled it tighter, and Snow White was strangled, and soon lost consciousness and fell to the ground, as if dead.The vicious queen said: "Now your beauty should be over!" After speaking, she left in peace.

At night, when the seven dwarfs came back, they saw the lovely Snow White lying motionless on the ground, they hurried forward to lift her up, and immediately cut the strap.Soon she came back to life.When she had finished what had happened, they said, "That old woman is the Queen. Be careful next time, and never let anyone in."

When the queen returned to the palace, she couldn't wait to go to the magic mirror and speak to the mirror.But to her surprise the mirror answered: "It is you, Queen! You are the most beautiful woman here, but on the other side of the hill, in the little room of the seven dwarfs, Snow White is a thousand times more beautiful than you. "

Anger and resentment made the Queen's blood boil, she was not reconciled, so she dressed herself as an old woman again, but it was completely different from the last time.She crossed the mountains and came to the door of the seven dwarfs' house, knocked on the door and shouted: "It's selling! Who is buying?" Snow White heard this, and opened the door a crack and said: "I dare not let others Come in." The queen said quickly: "You just have to look at my beautiful comb." After speaking, she handed in the poisonous comb.Snow White took the comb and combed her hair. Just when the comb touched her head, the poison on the comb exploded, and she fell to the ground and lost consciousness.The queen sneered and said, "You should have been lying like this long ago." Then she left.

At night the dwarves came back, and when they saw Snow White lying on the ground, they knew that it must be the queen again.Hurriedly picked her up to check, and soon found the poisonous comb, they pulled it out.Soon Snow White regained consciousness and woke up.She told them what had happened, and the seven dwarfs warned her again not to open the door again when anyone came.

The queen has returned to the palace, stood in front of the magic mirror and asked the mirror, but she still heard the same answer as last time.Now, she was so angry that she trembled all over, and she screamed: "Snow White must die, even if it costs my life!" She made a poisoned apple carefully.Half of this apple is red, half is green, and the red half is poisonous, which is very poisonous.

Dressing herself up again as a peasant woman, she came to the dwarf's house and knocked on the door.Snow White put her head out of the window and said, "I dare not let anyone in. The dwarfs told me not to open the door when anyone comes." This apple is so delicious, I will give it to you as a gift." Snow White said: "I dare not take it." The peasant woman was anxious: "Silly boy, what are you worried about? Is this apple poisonous? You eat half of it." , I'll eat half of it." After speaking, he divided the apple into two halves.She ate the green half herself, and when Snow White saw the peasant woman eat the half, she could stand it no longer, and took a bite of the red half.As soon as the apples were imported, she fell to the ground and died.

When the queen saw it, she smiled happily and said, "No one can save you this time!" She went back to the palace, came to the magic mirror, and asked, "Mirror, mirror, tell me Who is the most beautiful woman in the land?" The mirror answered, "It is you, Queen! You are the most beautiful woman in the land."

Hearing this, the queen's jealousy was settled, and she felt very happy and happy.As night fell, the dwarfs all returned home, and they found Snow White lying on the ground, not breathing from her mouth.Not believing that she was really dead, they picked her up, combed her hair, and washed her face with wine and water, but all in vain, because the little girl seemed really dead.They were so sad that they put her on the coffin, and the seven dwarfs sat around and watched for three days and three nights.At last they were desperate and prepared to bury her, but seeing that Snow White's face was still rosy and lifelike, they said, "We can't bury her in the cold and dark underground." So they made her a mouthful from the outside. Her glass coffin could be seen, with Snow White's name inlaid in gold.The dwarfs placed the coffin on a hill, and a dwarf sat by it forever to watch over it.

Birds flew in the sky, an owl, a raven and a dove, and they all wept for Snow White's death.Snow White has been placed on the hill in this way, and after a long, long time, she still looks as if she is sleeping there, her skin is still as white and tender as snow, her face is still as red as blood, and her hair is still as ebony It's black and bright.

Until one day, a prince came to the mountain. He saw Snow White and thought she is so beautiful, I want to take her back.He told the dwarfs that he would pay them, and begged them to let him take Snow White away.But the dwarf said, "Even if we exchanged all the gold in the world, we would not let her leave us." The prince kept begging, and seeing his sincerity, they were finally moved by his piety and agreed to let her go. He took the coffin away.Just as he asked someone to lift the coffin to go home, the coffin was bumped, and the poisoned apple spit out from her mouth, and Snow White woke up immediately.She asked blankly, "Where am I?" The prince replied, "You are with me well." Then, telling her everything that had happened, he finally said, "I love you more than I love you." All of the world, go! Come with me to my father's palace, and I will take you as my wife." Snow White agreed, and returned home with the prince.

Everything was ready, the palace was magnificently decorated, Snow White was about to hold a wedding with the prince, and they invited many guests to the wedding.Among the guests was Snow White's stepmother, the queen, who dressed herself richly and elegantly, and said to the magic mirror, "Mirror, mirror, tell me who is the most beautiful woman in the land?" The mirror replied, "It is you, You are the prettiest here, but the prince's bride is far more beautiful than you." At these words, she flew into a rage again, but there was nothing she could do.Jealousy and curiosity made her decide to see the bride.

When she arrives at the wedding, she realizes that the prince's bride is none other than Snow White, who she thought was dead.Seeing Snow White, she was so angry that she fainted. Since then, she has been ill, and soon died in the torment of jealousy, resentment and pain.After Snow White and the prince got married, their happy life was full of joy and happiness, and they lived happily together all their lives. "

After Tianyu told Princess Baixing the story of Snow White, the relationship between the two changed subtly.

Bai Xing looked at Tianyu with watery eyes and said.

"I still want to hear your story."

 Moisture chapter, ignore
(End of this chapter)

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