One Piece: Eternal Justice

Chapter 219 Going to the Naval Academy for the First Time

Chapter 219 Going to the Naval Academy for the First Time
After the three captains of the Whitebeard Pirates surrendered, Tianyu let the ordinary pirates go.

Tianyu took everyone ready to move on and return to the headquarters.



Tianyu stood at the bow of the boat, looking into the distance, his thoughts had drifted to the headquarters.



When Tianyu came to the Navy Headquarters for the first time and saw the Navy Headquarters Academy.

Tianyu directly clashed with the goalkeeper.

It stands to reason that such places for teaching and educating people, especially places for training the army, should be very strict.But this naval academy didn't say how strict it is, only the navy guarding the gate is also weak and scum, but after being so bullied by Tianyu, he didn't say a word, just watched Luo Yu disappear, and then hurriedly to report.

Tianyu found a big problem - he didn't know the way, and Tianyu suddenly felt a little bad. Generally, those masters who are tired of the world would choose to teach and educate people in the academy, and this Naval Academy is a military academy for the Navy. It is impossible that there are no masters Yes, but there was no turning back when the bow was opened, and he walked in swaggeringly, so he should hurry up and find the person in charge, maybe he could be rescued, thinking, Tianyu used his self-created wind step and started to speed up.

But no matter how fast Tianyu walks, he is still a big living person. In this forbidden military academy, Tianyu alone can see through the huge playground.

And Tianyu is like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, everything looks fresh, Tianyu hurriedly ran past the first playground, where the neatly formed navy is practicing, shouting the same slogan: "For justice!"

From Tianyu's point of view, these people can only be low-level non-commissioned officers. These usual training formats are generally used for low-level non-commissioned officers.

At the end of the first playground there was a gate, which was locked by an iron gate. Tianyu thought that the big man must be inside, so Tianyu climbed over the wall and climbed in without saying a word.

"For justice!" Tianyu suddenly had the urge to change his name, which should be: Justice!
Seeing this scene, even a man would not take a step forward, Tianyu is the same, but the women's department is also heavily guarded, the door Tianyu passed just now is just because it is being renovated, so no one is guarding it. Let Luo Yu take advantage of it.

The women's department is different from the navy outside. The security here is very strict. The main thing is to guard against those perverts like Tianyu.Tianyu was soon discovered by a female mentor, and the female mentor didn't talk nonsense, she rushed over directly, and was about to punch Tianyu, but fortunately, Tianyu was protected by a windwalk, and slanted and dodged.

The female instructor was surprised that Tianyu had such a speed, so she asked, "Who are you! Don't you know that boys are forbidden to enter here!"

Tianyu forcibly turned the eyes of the girls who were staring at a group of running exercises in the distance, and answered the instructor's question: "I am the child of Lieutenant General Zefa's friend, and I came to visit Lieutenant General Zefa because I don't know him. So I went the wrong way.” Lieutenant Admiral Zefa is the person in charge of this academy, he was a famous figure in Dahai, and he was a man of the same period as the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters and the hero of the Navy Headquarters “Iron Fist” Garp.

The reason why Tianyu knows his name is because his grandfather "Iron Fist" Garp is an old friend of Zefa, and Tianyu, who has read the original book, of course knows about Iron Fist Zefa.

When Tianyu turned his head around, he realized that the person in front of him was also a beautiful woman, with long golden hair tied up in a bun, big watery eyes, a small delicate nose, and red and tender lips. Wrapped in sportswear, but it can't hide the devil's figure hidden inside.

"So that's how it is!" After knowing the reason, the female instructor's originally stern eyes turned out to be more kind, and said to Tianyu gently: "In this case, you come with me, and I will take you there." The female instructor didn't know either Why, she believed Tianyu's words so easily, but when she saw Tianyu, she felt a kind of intimacy in her heart, and she took it for granted that Luo Yu was an honest person, and Tianyu was just a ten-year-old doll.

Tianyu almost opened his mouth wide, how could it be so smooth?Could it be that this bitch fell in love with my young master?No way, but this little girl looks bulging and backward, so she can barely make up for it.

Tianyu looked at the female tutor leading the way ahead, and thought maliciously in his heart.He never thought of it, but he was only ten years old.How could it be possible to have such a good impression of a girl who met for the first time? Of course, why the female tutor's eyes are so soft.

When the female mentor led Tianyu past the girls who had finished running and lined up, Gao Xia immediately started talking

"Who was that little boy just now? He dared to come to our women's department, and it was the first time that our black-bellied elder sister was so polite to the boy who sneaked in."

"Nonsense, such a handsome boy is tempted by a woman, and our black-bellied elder sister is not married yet." Since Tianyu's appearance is not as inexplicable as that of Luffy and Garp, these girls naturally think that Tianyu handsome.

When the female tutor brought Tianyu out of the women's department, there were already many navy men with guns standing at the entrance of the women's department. He ran over and saluted the female instructor with a standard salute: "Thank you, Colonel, for helping us catch the suspicious person."

At this time, Tianyu realized that these people came for him. The female instructor known as the colonel nodded and said to the lieutenant officer: "He is not a suspicious person. I know him. You can go back." gone."

Well, Tianyu thought to himself that he was so charming, that he could make a woman he met by chance treat him like this.

The lieutenant-level officer immediately became embarrassed after listening to the female tutor's words, and even said a few "this".

Finally, the female tutor took out her majesty and waved her hand: "Whatever this or that, just say something."

The officer whispered to the female tutor: "Lieutenant General Carmen can't explain it." After hearing this, the female tutor smiled and said that Lieutenant General Carmen's side is up to her.

Tianyu's only thought now is - she smiles so beautifully!Who is Lieutenant General Carmen, shouldn't he go to Zefa.

It's fine if you arrest me, even this female tutor can be regarded as an accomplice, alas, my God, it's not good to be too attractive.

Luo Yu thinks that this school is too bad at designing. Why is the lieutenant general's office located in a building not far from the school gate? Really, he didn't put up a sign, which made him travel so much for nothing. In fact, it is not a waste of time, at least I met a beautiful woman.

The female instructor quickly brought Luo Yu to the lieutenant general's office, where a middle-aged man was leisurely reading the newspaper, when he heard someone coming, he put down the newspaper, Tianyu also saw his appearance, the man left With a Stalin-style beard, the hair on his forehead was combed up, his shiny forehead was exposed, and his eyes were piercing, like a hawk looking for food. Like a navy general, he wore a navy coat. When he saw that it was the beautiful female tutor, he picked up the newspaper again indifferently: "What's the matter, Colonel Judy."

After hearing the question, the female tutor, who looked a bit lazy in the sportswear, was taken aback immediately, and saluted: "Report to the lieutenant general! There is a person here who says he is the child of Teacher Zefa's old friend. He came to visit Teacher Zefa. But I didn't have the ability to enter Teacher Zefa's office, so I brought him here."

It seems that Colonel Judy's words aroused the interest of the lieutenant general. He put down the newspaper in his hand again, picked up the coffee next to him, and began to look at Tianyu: this boy is tall, with good features, especially those black lacquered eyes. His big eyes are as deep as the stars in the dark night, and his skin is very fair, adding a lot of gentleness to this young man.He kept rubbing his hands, and it was obvious that he was very nervous.

Lieutenant General Carmen sipped his coffee and said to Tianyu, "I'm sorry, can you tell me who your father is? Is he a former student of Teacher Zefa?" He took out a letter from his pocket and handed it to him with both hands.

After he took the letter, he just looked at the handwriting and became a little excited. He quickly opened the envelope and began to read silently. The office suddenly fell silent. Tianyu didn't know what to say. I can't understand it, because when Karp wrote the letter, Tianyu was beside him, and Tianyu felt ashamed when he saw Karp's ghostly handwriting.

Seeing the end, Lieutenant General Carmen began to frown, Tianyu only felt that his back was definitely soaked, and secretly thought that the old man's handwriting was too ugly for others to understand.

At this time, Lieutenant General Carmen slowly put down the letter in his hand, stood up, looked at Luo Yu, and said solemnly: "It turns out that he is the grandson of the naval hero Lieutenant General Garp."

Hearing this sentence, Luo Yu only felt as if Monkey King had escaped from Wuzhi Mountain, and he was relieved.Immediately afterwards Carmen looked at Tianyu, his expression suddenly became kind, like a father: "I followed your grandfather for a while, since your grandfather entrusted you to me, then I have to be responsible to you, Tell me, what do you want to do in the future? If you are self-motivated, I can arrange you into this school so that you can get the best education. If you want to be rich, I think I can still satisfy you with my ability. "

"I want to become stronger! What's more, didn't I entrust it to Grandpa Zefa? Why did I become Lieutenant General Carmen?" Tianyu blurted out before Carmen finished speaking. When Carmen heard Luo Yu's answer, he was satisfied. He nodded and said to Luo Yu: "I seem to see your grandfather's shadow again. Judy!"

"Yes!" Judy, who was a little relaxed, stood at attention again. Carmen sat down, raised her legs and said, "Take him down and send him to the special department to arrange student status and prepare for admission."

"Ah? But the lieutenant general! That requires the approval of the higher authorities, and ordinary people can't live there." Zhu Di didn't know why, but she didn't want Tianyu to suffer, so she said anxiously.

"I will say hello above, as for suffering, you! What's your name?"

"Monkey d Tianyu!"

"Okay! Tianyu, are you afraid of suffering?"

"Don't be afraid!" Tianyu looked at Lieutenant General Carmen with firm eyes and said.

"Okay, it's really a tiger father without a dog! Judy, take it down and make arrangements."


After Tianyu was taken down, Judy could no longer bear the curiosity in her heart, and asked, "Who is your grandpa?"

Just now Judy was a little distracted and didn't hear Lieutenant General Carmen's words, so she asked Tianyu.

"Karp!" Tianyu blurted out, which immediately aroused Judy's exclamation. Tianyu didn't understand why, so he pretended to be innocent and said, "Sister, is my grandpa famous?" Only 10 years old.So sometimes you have to fake things.

"The grandson of Lieutenant Admiral Garp, the naval hero "Iron Fist", no wonder you just said to find Teacher Zefa." Judy looked at Tianyu and smiled slightly.

Tianyu was stunned for a moment, not paying attention to Judy, and Judy was not talking to Tianyu either.

In this way, I took Tianyu to the college, but it was not a special class, but an ordinary class.

(End of this chapter)

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