Chapter 110
The long-awaited e-sports competition is finally about to begin.

For this reason, those Shenyu fans who wanted to see the representatives of their own school came to the door of the auditorium early to wait before the auditorium opened.

Even with the auditorium open, though, the game doesn't start that soon.

This time the organization is in pk mode.

PK is carried out in an elimination way, and there are a total of 5 games.

Divided into top 16, top 8, top 4, and top 2.

In the department that won in the end, the school leaders worked hard enough.

Actually got a scholarship on it, it seems that all the talk about strengthening friendship is fake.

This time the host, no, it should be the commentator.

This time the commentary is the same host as last time. It seems that he not only has an in-depth understanding of finance, but also has an understanding of games.

However, this time they are not fighting directly on stage.

Instead, they are assigned in different rooms.

This is done to prevent the other party from hearing the other party's voice.

This is another form of cheating.

Regarding the competition with Feng Xiaoxiao, Yi Shuihan expressed that he was not panicked at all.

He is not afraid of exposure.

Because it would not be exposed at all, he used a trumpet to participate in the competition.

But the trumpet is still a forward, Shadow Moon Assassin.

Why not choose other roles?
For him, he is used to using Shadowmoon Assassin.

If you use other characters, the operation may drop.

Although Shadowmoon Assassin's operations in these roles belong to the upper-middle class.
The time was almost up, and everyone sat in the seats that had been arranged.

After they sat down, they realized that there was an extra seat next to them.

"Why is there an extra seat here? Isn't it four against four?" someone asked.

"How could it be four-on-four? Have you ever seen a four-on-four game?"

The photographer next to him explained, but there was a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

It also means that they don’t even know this.

Of course he didn't know, because according to the debate, there were four of them.

Therefore, in theory, e-sports matches are also four-on-four.

But, now you say you want five against five, you want us to find one more person?

"But, there are only four people in our finance department, where can we find the other one?" the man asked.

When the cameraman heard this, his hands that were equipped with equipment stopped.

He frowned slightly, and said, "Didn't someone inform you to ask you to find one more person to participate in the competition?"

Once the photographer said this, they knew what was going on.

No one came to inform them at all.

It seems that someone deliberately prevented them from finding another person to participate in the competition.

If there are less than five people participating in the game, then their game will be regarded as a waiver.

Those on the opposite side will win without a fight.

So, know who fucked you without even thinking about it.

Everyone shook their heads, they had to tell the truth.

This is a game, no matter who the opponent is.

The photographer didn't bother to despise him, this matter was very serious.

But the most important thing now is for them to find someone to play.

The photographer stood up and said to them with a serious face: "Then can you find someone to participate in the competition now? Preferably within 10 minutes."

Then, he thought for a while, thought it was wrong, changed his words again, and said: "No, no, it's best within 5 minutes. My equipment will be ready soon. If the photographer on the opposite side also fixes the equipment, the game will be completed." It’s about to officially begin.”

"I can only delay you for 5 minutes."

(End of this chapter)

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