Chapter 113 Swordsman
It wasn't until Jue Dai Fenghua left that the teammate of the shooter on the opposite side came late.

The teammate pastor saw that the shooter's blood volume was reduced by almost half, so he quickly added blood to him.

Fortunately, the battle mage on the opposite side hasn't finished developing yet.

If he had finished developing, by the time he arrived, his shooter teammate would have died long ago.

On the side of the Shadowmoon Assassins, they resented each other because they refused to leave the wild area.

Why not give me the wild area?

Give me the wild area, won't I be able to develop faster?

Because of the wild area, no one will give in, so as long as the wild monsters appear.

They will go to grab wild monsters, and the development speed will slow down.

People who were watching the live broadcast naturally saw this scene.

"What's the matter with these two Shadowmoon Assassins? Why don't you have any team spirit?"

"They won't have any hatred! I found that as soon as the wild monsters come out, they will immediately go to grab the wild monsters."

"Hmph, I see, at this speed, this team must lose terribly."
And Peerless Fenghua went to the next door to steal wild monsters in order to make himself develop faster.

However, this time the wild monster was a swordsman.

This swordsman is obviously much more powerful than the shooter last time.

Peerless Fenghua had to concentrate and find the right time.

The fingers tapped the keyboard quickly, the mouse vibrated rapidly, and as the character jumped, the long tassel spear pointed at the wild monster again, and the wild monster was in hand.

In fact, the swordsman had already seen the battle mage hiding in the grass.

He thought the battle mage hid in the bushes just to sneak attack him.

Unexpectedly, this battle mage actually had this idea.

However, it's okay for wild monsters to be snatched away.

I can kill you.

You took my wild monster, but I killed you.

It's killing two birds with one stone!

(There seems to be nothing wrong with it.)
Before that, the swordsman glanced at the name above the battle mage's head.

I don’t know, I’m scared.

Then, the corner of the mouth of the person in front of the screen curled up in a strange arc.

It takes no effort to get it.

It can be regarded as letting me find you. It seems that letting me participate in the competition did not waste my time in vain.

Peerless elegance, isn't it?

Let me see how you fight with me this time!
Aren't you good at playing?
This time I learned a new operation from the vice president of the first guild!
No, I don't believe it, you can still be stronger than the vice president of the first guild!

This revenge is not retribution for a non-gentleman! !

Because it was only a live broadcast of the competition, the school would not allow the photographer to capture their faces during the competition for the sake of the reputation of the students.

Therefore, the photographer only cares about the picture on the screen.
That's right, this swordsman is the one who refreshed everyone's three views.

In order to unblock this account, it can be said that he has spent a lot of effort.

For this, he felt even more resentment towards Jue Dai Feng Hua.

Because he changed his name, Feng Xiaoxiao didn't recognize who this character was.

The current name of this swordsman is Resentment Well.

The sword in Yuan Jing's hand moved slightly, which was the prerequisite for launching the skill.

Peerless Fenghua was focused on killing him, but didn't see the swordsman's action.

When the battle mage jumped behind Resentment Jing like last time, Resentment Jing seemed to have expected that the battle mage would jump behind him.

He chuckled mockingly, "I'm not the same person I used to be! This little trick of yours is no longer useful to me."

As he spoke, the photographer next to him looked at him suspiciously, what was he talking to himself?
Why can't I understand a word? !
(End of this chapter)

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