Chapter 125

"You are the person in charge, Mr. Gu?"

"I am. Who are you?" President Gu asked.

Feng Xiaoxiao smiled dazedly, and said, "Oh, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Feng... Wenze. Yes, my name is Feng Wenze. The holder of Peerless Fenghua."

It turned out to be the owner of Fenghua Juedai. After so many years, the person in charge of Mr. Gu finally saw him.

"Are you from the Feng family?" I heard his surname was Feng, and I heard that the female assistant at that time called him young master.

He couldn't help but asked cautiously, if he accidentally offended the Feng family, it would be bad.

Feng Xiaoxiao shook her head, and said in a casual manner: "No, it's just Feng."

The person in charge of Mr. Gu only thought that he didn't want to say anything, and he didn't know anything.

"Wait!! You said you are the holder of Peerless Fenghua?! Well, the number one Fengshen in the comprehensive list of God's Domain?!"

What the hell is Fengshen? !
Why does it sound a little nervous? !

Feng Xiaoxiao raised her head slightly, and looked at Zhao Ziyan.

Zhao Ziyan looked into his eyes, as if falling into an abyss.

It's just that the abyss is getting colder and colder, so Zhao Ziyan "escaped" from the abyss with a jolt.

His deep eyes showed that he was very unhappy, it shouldn't be said that he didn't like himself.

This is undoubtedly not good for oneself.

He is also a player of God's Domain, he can be regarded as a veteran player of God's Domain, when he was a peerless player who was conferred the title of god.

I am also one of his fans, but it is a pity that he has never been online again one day.

Although Fengshen has "retired", his worship of Fengshen has not declined, but has risen.

It's just that I've been so busy with business circles for more than a year that I don't have time to take care of other things.



Here I actually saw Fengshen with my own eyes!

And still face to face!
Just don't be too real!

No, I have to rub my eyes!

This does it look more and more familiar the more I look at it! !
Could it be that I was so excited to see Fengshen with my own eyes! !
Out of your mind? ?
Feng Xiaoxiao still chose to ignore her, and said directly to the person in charge of Mr. Gu: "Is there anything else that the person in charge of Gu has to do? If there is nothing else, can my endorsement start?"

The person in charge of Mr. Gu was confused, what endorsement? !
It's so confusing now? !
"Fengshen! Fengshen?! Are you really Fengshen? Fengshen, can you sign for me? I am your veteran fan!..."

"President Gu, do you still have something to do? Just tell me! If you don't have something to do, why start as an endorsement? I don't have much time."

Manager Gu: ...

oh my god!

Please give me a knife!
I just feel that my head is not my own anymore!
Three or ten minutes later, the person in charge of Mr. Gu finally sent away Zhao Ziyan, the annoying little goblin.

Oh no.

It should be the annoying thing Zhao Ziyan.

After Zhao Ziyan left, Feng Xiaoxiao seemed to be a different person.

There are not as many words as I just said.

The person in charge of Mr. Gu almost thought that he had been stimulated by something.

It can't be that he treats his fans unfriendly, he is not happy!
However, it can only be said that Mr. Gu's brains are too big for ordinary people like me to comprehend.

Actually, it was just that Feng Xiaoxiao changed his personality again.

She felt that her influence should be a little taller.

Only in this way can he be worthy of the title of Fengshen.

The title of Fengshen sounds aloof.

(End of this chapter)

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