The national god of online games is a girl

Chapter 134 The Noble and Elegant Little Brother

Chapter 134 The Noble and Elegant Little Brother
After Feng Xiaoxiao showed them the butterfly walk yesterday, they trained all night without sleep.

This made Feng Xiaoxiao couldn't help thinking whether this God's Domain game was not good for people's physical and mental health.

Moreover, recently I always feel that I can't breathe sometimes.
At noon that day, the person in charge of Mr. Gu finally had someone notify Feng Xiaoxiao.

Otherwise, Feng Xiaoxiao would think that they didn't want to shoot, after all, the request he made was a bit too much.

However, after they know their true identities, will they feel that they are even more cheated?

After all, part of this is for them to get some rewards.

This time, the place where Feng Xiaoxiao came is not the Feng Group, but another place.

Feng's Group is an office building, and it is not suitable for shooting anything.

"Fengshen, you are here. We have prepared the equipment and we can start filming anytime."

When Feng Xiaoxiao got out of the car, the person in charge of Mr. Gu went over immediately, talking cracklingly.

I am afraid that others will rob him.

Besides, the chairman had told him to take good care of the beauty in front of him, oh no, it's not right.

It should be the little brother with a face like a crown jade and picturesque eyebrows.

Feng Xiaoxiao smiled slightly at him, and instantly everyone felt like a spring breeze blowing on their faces, warming their hearts.

Oh my God!
This little brother looks so pretty when he smiles, so seductive!

"Okay, Mr. Gu, please take me to the changing room!"

The person in charge of Mr. Gu looked at him and nodded blankly: "No problem, I'll take you right away!"

The person who led the way: ...?
No, it was agreed that I would lead the way, hello? !
Mr. Gu won't take you to bully people like this! !
The person in charge of Mr. Gu led the way, while Feng Xiaoxiao followed behind.

As for the two accompanying bodyguards, Feng Xiaoxiao had already asked them to wait outside.

Along the way, Feng Xiaoxiao was baptized by the eyes of many people.

Because they had never seen Feng Xiaoxiao before, their faces were tense.

Besides, she has thin skin and tender flesh, oh no, her teeth are white and her lips are red, and she still follows the person in charge of Mr. Gu.

No, it looks like Mr. Gu is personally leading the way.

This little brother exudes a noble and elegant temperament, he can't be a star to be cultivated by Mr. Gu himself!

Feng Xiaoxiao had never been to this place before, so she couldn't help being curious about this place.

It is inevitable to look left and right.

Feng Xiaoxiao's actions further confirmed the thoughts in that person's mind.

"I really like the temperament of this little brother!"

"Ahhhh! He's looking! He's looking! Look at me! Is my face very red! No way, it's so embarrassing!"

"It's not just red, it's like a red apple! Wait! I think I saw my little brother smile! Little brother smiled at me!"

"I saw it too! I saw it too! No! He was smiling at me!"

"You... don't you think that little brother is going in the wrong direction? If new trainees want to be trained to become stars, they shouldn't be going in this direction."

"Maybe my little brother has never been to this place, he is very curious about these things, and wants to look around here?"

"However, that place is reserved for Fengshen to shoot promotional videos. Mr. Gu personally told him yesterday that there is nothing important. No one can go there except the staff who participated in the promotional videos!"

"Isn't this easier! This little brother must be a fan of Fengshen, he might go in because he wants to see Fengshen's true face!"

"President Gu said that Fengshen will come to shoot a promotional video today, but we've been talking for so long, why hasn't Fengshen come yet..."

"Wait!! The little brother who followed the person in charge just now couldn't be Fengshen!"

 Is anyone watching?No one sees me being lazy.

(End of this chapter)

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