Chapter 140


Feng Xiaoxiao glanced at him lightly, "Huh?"

The bodyguard immediately changed his words and said, "Master, Mrs. Song asked me to inform you that you will attend a banquet next week."

"I dont go."

"She told you to go."

The bodyguards have said so, it seems that they have to go.

Feng Xiaoxiao waved her hand slightly, and said quietly: "Okay, I understand, you go and reply her, I will go."

"Okay, sir."
As soon as Feng Xiaoxiao returned to the dormitory, she turned on the computer and logged into "God's Domain".

She didn't come back very late today, and the roommates were all busy with their own affairs.

Seeing her come back, he just looked up at her, then lowered his head again.

[Private Chat] Shuitiao Getou whispers to you: Master, long time no see QAQ, you haven't been online for so long, I miss you to death.

Long time?
I just haven't been online for a day.

[Private chat] Peerless Fenghua quietly said to you: Be good, disciple, be good, when the teacher is not around, are you good?

[Private chat] Shuidiao Getou whispers to you: Master, I am your obedient disciple, of course my disciple will be obedient!

Sure enough, my apprentice is a brat.

Suddenly, Feng Xiaoxiao's computer froze for a moment, and then the news from Kuangtian made Feng Xiaoxiao overwhelmed.

She just felt a vortex spinning in front of her eyes.

As a last resort, Feng Xiaoxiao asked Fu Xue, who was sitting next to her in a daze, "Xiaoxue, why is the school card so stuck today, did you not charge the internet fee?"

However, Fu Xue kept staring at the computer and didn't look at her, but she still answered Feng Xiaoxiao's question.

"There is no problem with the school card of the school, and the school has never had the problem of arrears of Internet fees."

Feng Xiaoxiao dragged her head and leaned on the computer desk, and continued: "Then why is my computer so stuck? Besides, my computer is newly bought, so it cannot be that there is a problem with the computer."

Hearing what Feng Xiaoxiao said, Fu Xue, who had been staring at the computer, stopped and thought for a while.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up, and she said: "I see, isn't it rumored that Fengshen is going to return recently? I guess, it must be those retired players who heard Fengshen's return and hurried back to the game! "

"That's not saying that Fengshen is going to return, but that Fengshen is going to return!" Zhang Yuling interjected.

Feng Xiaoxiao: ...

Why are you all saying that I'm coming back, hello? !
I didn't say come back at all okay? !


Why are you talking and talking, digressing?
Feng Xiaoxiao pointed to Fu Xue's computer and asked, "Then why doesn't your computer freeze?"

Fu Xue just looked at her computer, and answered after a while: "Hey? You said it! I didn't even have the school card of the school. When I installed the computer, I used my school card, so my The computer won't freeze."

"So that's it! Is there still time for me to change the card now?"

[World] L Hamster: Where is Fengshen located? !Please let me know!I want to change districts!

[World] Qingzhi: Fengshen's original number is in the first district, I'm **, you're welcome.

[World] I want to hug the big brother's thigh: Isn't it possible to cross regions now?I remember the last time when Xiao Fan and Xiao crossed regions, it seemed that the system notified him.

[World] l Hamster: Please, I'm talking about Fengshen, how did Xiao Fanfan get involved?I'm afraid you won't be a sailor!

[World] Qingzhi: Really, just mentioning Fengshen, some people say Xiao Fanfan, and I agree.

(End of this chapter)

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