Chapter 148

"What's the rush? Don't you know later? Don't call Mrs. Zai Song anymore, call me Mrs. Mother."

Mrs. Song turned around and sat up straight, and started the car.

Feng Xiaoxiao helped her forehead, and she knew that Mrs. Song's problem had happened again.

Mrs. Song is fine in everything, but she suffers from a serious secondary illness.

Then, he changed his words suddenly, "No, call me Your Majesty the Queen!"

The tone is full of arrogance.

Feng Xiaoxiao's head was covered with black lines, and she shouted weakly: "Okay, Mrs. Song, no problem, Mrs. Song."

Mrs. Song secretly rolled her eyes and ignored her.

Call me Her Majesty the Queen will die!

I want to hear why it is so difficult for Her Majesty the Queen?
For the convenience of going to work, Mrs. Song's home is near the Feng Group.

It took less than ten minutes to reach the destination.

As soon as the car stopped, someone stepped forward to open the car door for them.

Mrs. Song handed the key to the security guard, pushed the sunglasses charmingly, and said softly: "Park the car in the garage, and let someone come and take care of the car by the way."

The man gave a gentleman's salute, and said with lowered eyebrows: "Yes, Mrs. Song."

Mrs. Song took Feng Xiaoxiao's hand and asked her to hold her arm, and said, "Okay, let's go in."

Mrs. Song's home is a villa, surrounded by high walls, even if a thief wants to come in and steal things, he must first cross the wall.

If you want to get down from the fence, if you accidentally fall from the fence, you will be disabled even if you are not dead.

Therefore, there are basically no thieves who want to come in and steal things.
"Oh, Xiao Xiao, you're here! I'm just waiting for you to come."

As soon as the door of the villa was opened, the person standing at the door immediately showed a happy smile when he saw Feng Xiaoxiao.

Feng Xiaoxiao called out politely, "Aunt Liu, why are you here?"

Aunt Liu shook the goblet in her hand, took a small sip, and said, "You are the protagonist of this banquet today, how could Aunt Liu not come?"

Am I the protagonist of this banquet?

Could it be that they are celebrating the successful filming of the promotional video for me? !

But that's not right, it's just that the promotional video was shot successfully, so it's impossible for me to hold this festive-looking banquet just for me.

It looks like they are going to get married.

Is it possible that someone is going to get married here?
Want me to be the master of ceremonies? !

As soon as Feng Xiaoxiao and Mrs. Song came in, everyone who came to the banquet congratulated.

It made Feng Xiaoxiao look confused.

It's not that I'm getting married, so why congratulate me?

Is it really congratulations on the successful filming of my promotional video?
Xiao Yangyang raised his wine glass and respected Feng Xiaoxiao, "Sister, congratulations, I watched the trailer of "God's Domain" in advance, I can't see that your makeup skills have reached such a level, when will I teach you?" I will."

After all, he drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

Feng Xiaoxiao broke free from Mrs. Song's arm, and rushed up to hug Xiao Yangyang.

Xu Shifeng hugged Xiaoxiao too hard, and Xiao Yangyang almost choked on the drink, "Ahem, sister, let go! Let go!"

Only then did Feng Xiaoxiao let go of her hand, stuck out her tongue embarrassingly, and said playfully, "I'm sorry, brother, I'm so happy to see you, I couldn't help but..."

"Isn't brother happy to see me?!"

Suddenly, Feng Xiaoxiao raised his head to question.

Seeing that they have such a good relationship, Mrs. Song couldn't help muttering, "Why don't you miss me so much!"

The elder brother fondled her head, and said with a smile: "Why, my elder brother naturally misses you."

"It's almost there."

(End of this chapter)

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