Chapter 153

Feng Xiaoxiao immediately said: "No, at most one month, otherwise don't even think about it."

Living for a week is too much trouble, let alone living for three months? !

"Okay, okay, one month is one month. You can think about it, you can't go back on your word."

"Don't worry, do I look like someone who doesn't keep their word?"

Mrs. Song: Like.

"Okay, if there's nothing else, I'll hang up first."

"Well, I'll send you to Xiaoyi's house later."


After hanging up the phone, Feng Xiaoxiao involuntarily grabbed the phone tightly.

Isn't it just a month!
It will pass soon, besides, the city competition starts tomorrow, and Aji will come to me if he doesn't have time...

Thinking about it, Feng Xiaoxiao couldn't help feeling guilty.

Why do you feel like you've cheated?
Although it was not her own will, Feng Xiaoxiao always felt that she had cheated.

And it's the kind that cheated so badly.

However, today seems to be some kind of day...

"The promotional video of Fengshen will be released today, I don't know how Fengshen's true face is..."

"The Fengshen promotional video is coming out today?!"

"Yeah, don't you know the news? The announcements of "God's Domain" are all out there, and it's the biggest page, so I'm afraid we won't see it."

"I haven't played "God's Domain" recently, so I don't know."


Feng Xiaoxiao hammered the palm of his hand and suddenly realized.

Yes, that's right, it's a promotional video.

The promotional video filmed by Feng Xiaoxiao will be screened on all major film and television apps at exactly three o'clock this afternoon.

For this competition, "God's Domain" has spent a lot of thought!

Three o'clock sharp.

Feng Xiaoxiao squatted at the door, watching the promotional video while connected to wifi.

Although this promotional film has not been screened, she has watched it countless times (please ignore her narcissism).

However, she filmed a promotional video and it was screened on various famous apps. Could she not be excited? !
"Home? What is home?"

In the picture, the battle mage stretched out his hand with a dazed expression on his face.

The prototype of this battle mage has been fighting all his life, fighting for his homeland, fighting for the people, and fighting for the world.

So, he has no home, he never knew what a home was.

When someone asked where his home was, he would be at a loss.

When the screen changed, it was the appearance of the battle mage when he was fighting.

The silvery red tasseled spear matches the blue armor of the battle mage very well.

He stands alone on the towering canyon, and the canyon is full of wild monsters, and occasionally one or two bosses can be seen.

Of course, that's all special effects.

When Feng Xiaoxiao stood there, he had nothing but his own imagination.

Then he released his domineering aura.

"Wow! Could this Battle Mage be Fengshen? How domineering!"

"Fengshen plays a battle mage, and there is only one battle mage here, so it must be Fengshen!"

"Oh my god, have you noticed that when Fengshen is disguised as a battle mage, the restoration speed is almost the same as before?"

"My God, Fengshen's eyes are so sharp, I can't take it anymore, I can't take it anymore."
Humph, bow down under my pomegranate skirt!
No, it's under my armor!

The following picture is the environment of each competition venue.

There was also Feng Xiaoxiao posting tidbits during breaks, and she was even photographed when she signed autographs for others.

Feng Xiaoxiao didn't even know when someone photographed her.

Fortunately, she was reserved enough at that time, otherwise she would have been exposed.

(End of this chapter)

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