Chapter 155

Feng Xiaoxiao fell silent, she didn't know how to answer his question.

Although she never said that she would quit the e-sports circle, what she did was that she wanted to quit the e-sports circle.

Thinking about it, she only felt tightness in her chest.


"I have no intention of returning to the e-sports circle, I just promised "God's Domain" to be their spokesperson."

Yes, just to be their spokesperson.

This sentence is like a thousand arrows piercing the heart.

As the saying goes, the higher the expectation, the greater the despair.

It's ridiculous, I'm actually looking forward to hoping that the chairman will return to "God's Domain".

I was really naive.

However, if the president doesn't come back, then the kvs game will definitely not be able to participate.

Because if the guild wants to participate in the competition, the guild president must go to the customer service to sign up.

Even if someone registers with the account of the guild president, everyone who registers for the competition needs an ID card.

It seems that this time the championship is impossible to belong to us.

Like this, what's the point of me staying in "God's Domain"?
The reason I am in God's Domain is to win the championship.

"That's it..., excuse me, goodbye, President."

"How about it, what did the president say?"

The people behind Mu Liuyi saw that the vice president of their family finally hung up the phone.

The moment he hung up the phone, they all leaned over, their eyes full of anticipation.

Seeing the expectation in their eyes, Mu Liuyi didn't dare to tell the truth, which pierced their hearts.

However, the fact is like this, what can he do?
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to get all the stuffy air out of his chest.

However, instead, he vomited more and more.

He said with difficulty: "I'm sorry, I couldn't persuade the president to come back, it's because my mouth is not eloquent enough."

He raised his eyes and looked at the place where Ye Zeyou was, "If Manager Ye is going this time, maybe he can persuade the president to come back."

"But, hasn't Manager Ye just come to our guild not long ago? He doesn't know our guild leader, how can he persuade the guild leader to come back?"

Some people are confused, yes, Manager Ye is Ye Zeyou.

Ye Zeyou is the one who "has an enmity" with Feng Xiaoxiao.

As for how Ye Zeyou became the [Scarlet Jiangnan] guild manager, isn't that simple? !

Is there anything money can't solve!

However, everyone in the guild thought he came in based on his strength.

After all, his hand speed awareness, and people in the skill guild have seen it, although his skill movements look somewhat similar to those of the vice president.

Moreover, it is not unreasonable for him to be a manager.

Isn't the university he is studying now majoring in finance?
In their impression, managers are in charge of money, and finance is also in charge of money.

So it's not unreasonable for him to be a manager.

Besides, Manager Ye is a pretty good person, and the wages paid to them are never in arrears.

Unlike the last one, paying them wages is at least a week behind.

They gritted their teeth with hatred.

"Manager Ye certainly knows the chairman, and he has a lot of connections with the chairman."

Mu Liuyi said with a smile.

Ye Zeyou, don't you have "animosity" with the president?

Don't believe it, when you know that the president has so-called "hatred" with you, I don't know if you still want to worship the president?

(End of this chapter)

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