Chapter 180

"When did the chairman of Feng's Group go on a business trip?"

Ji Xi leaned back on the sofa, and the two buttons of his shirt were undone, revealing his delicate and fair collarbone.

The sunlight came in from the window and hit him just right.

When the assistant heard him speak and raised his head to look at him, he felt that the current him was shining with an incomparably dazzling light.

The assistant was stunned.

Seeing that his assistant hadn't spoken for a long time, Ji Xi raised his eyes and met his assistant's eyes.

The assistant's conditioned reflex kicked up.

"What's the matter? Why didn't you speak? Didn't I tell you to keep an eye on her actions?" Ji Xifan said lightly.

The assistant immediately reacted from his dream, and he said without thinking: "The chairman of the Feng Group left the day before yesterday, and he should be able to reach his destination tomorrow!"

"Should?" Ji Xi glanced at him back, "I need an accurate answer! Otherwise, what's the use of me hiring you?!"

Although Ji Xifan spoke in a calm tone, the assistant was still in a cold sweat.

Regardless of the cold sweat on his forehead, he hurriedly changed his words and said: "Chairman of the Feng Group, you can reach your destination tomorrow!"

After the assistant finished speaking, Ji Xi slowly closed his eyes, his movements were so elegant, he looked like a rich and noble son.

"I hope this is the last time. If there is a next time, you can just pack up and leave!"

The assistant swallowed secretly, "Understood, Young Master Ji."

Ji Shao's aura is too strong, and me and other mortals really can't bear it!

Who can help me? !

The hall was very quiet, which made the assistant feel that time hadn't passed at all.

"How long are you going to stay here?"

Ji Xifan suddenly spoke, the assistant whose hands were shaking so much that he could at least pick up a pen and write.

Now there was only a snap, and the pen fell to the ground.

But the assistant dared not pick up the pen.

It's not that he didn't dare to pick it up!But he didn't dare to move!

The assistant didn't understand why he said that.

"Do you want me to remind you again?" Ji Xifan said coldly, as if there was air-conditioning in the air.

The assistant still can't react, it's really too much to talk about this season.

He is just a little assistant!
Hey, in order to earn such a little money, is it easy for me? !

"Yes, yes, I'll do it now!"

Although he doesn't know what Ji Xifan is talking about, but in order to protect his heart, he should deal with it first!

The moment the assistant was about to close the door, Ji Xi spoke again, "If the plan fails, I don't need to tell you what happened next!"

The assistant bent down again and again, and said with a flattering smile: "Don't worry Ji Shao, I will definitely get things done, and Ji Shao can just wait for my good news."

After he finished speaking, he closed the door.

After the assistant left, Ji Xi suddenly opened his eyes, and a sternness flashed in them.

Feng Group, let's see how you still fight with me this time!
If you step down now, the entire Feng Group will be mine.

The sun is dazzling, but warm.

But here it looks extremely cold.

There is peace and you outside the window, but you don't know that there will be an invisible struggle in the near future, which is earth-shattering today.

There will also be some people who "die" in this struggle.

But that was all later.

(End of this chapter)

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