Chapter 183

"However, I can only bring ten people from the [Scarlet Jiangnan] guild," Ye Zeyou said.

Just as the assistant was about to speak, Ye Zeyou continued: "It's not bad that I can bring ten of them. It's not like you don't know how much influence Fengshen has in their hearts."

"Those ten who are going to change jobs still want to win the championship, and they only came here because of the attractive conditions you offer."

When the assistant heard what he said, he thought about it and felt that what he said was quite reasonable.

Even if that Fengshen retired for three years, his influence not only did not decrease, but increased by more than ten times.

Fortunately, he did not participate in the competition, otherwise the champion would definitely be him.

He originally said there were only a dozen or so, but fortunately he didn't say it.

"Who are these ten people? I hope their skills are above-average. I don't want the people I invite to be useless."

Although the assistant said so, how could he not know where the people who can join the [Scarlet Jiangnan] guild can go?

But what he hopes more is that the people who change jobs will be better if their skills are above average.

In this way, their chances of winning the championship will increase a lot.

Ye Zeyou hooked the corners of his mouth, and said softly: "Don't worry about this, their skills are not just above-average, but more advanced."

"And one of them is going to change jobs, don't be scared when I tell you."

The assistant thought to himself, he will jump over here, even if he is a striker, I won't think too much about it.

"You say it."

Ye Zeyou's voice was much lower this time.

Even if there is no one around him.

It's hard not to make sure that there is no one next to you.

After hearing what he said, the assistant's eyes couldn't help but widen a lot, competing with Tongling.

He said in a daze, "Is what you said true?! Don't lie to me, or the consequences will not be as simple as you imagined."

Ye Zeyou didn't answer, "Look, I told you that you would be frightened. I told you a long time ago that you should be mentally prepared."

"Okay, stop talking, they're back." Saying that, Ye Zeyou hung up the phone.

The assistant hadn't recovered from the shock.

He would never have thought that that person would jump ship.

Hasn't he always been loyal to Fengshen?

Whenever someone said something bad about Fengshen.

He's always the first to go.

Now he actually wants to betray Fengshen and jump ship here.

Could it be that Fengshen did something that hurt his heart?

However, all this is not what he cares about.

"How many are here?" Ji Xi asked back.

"Ji Shao, he's here."

Even if the assistant didn't call the name, Ji Xi knew who was coming.

The corner of Ji Xi's mouth curled up.

"The conditions in the contract were changed to June Fourth."


"My God, I've slept for so long."

When Feng Xiaoxiao woke up, she stretched out her hand and looked at the watch on her hand.

Obviously, she was late.

"Xiao Xiao, eat some breakfast before leaving!"

"There's no time, I'm going to be late." Feng Xiaoxiao ran around furiously, annoyed at himself, why didn't he pack his things first last night.

When Feng Xiaoxiao walked through the dining table, she suddenly turned back, took a few slices of toast from the dining table, and left.

"Xiao Xiao, if you're not full, buy some breakfast, but don't eat fried food! Eating too much is bad for your health!"


Because he had gone far away, Yi Shuihan could no longer hear what Feng Xiaoxiao said behind him.

This is the life Yi Shuihan wants, although it is plain.

But happiness.

The phone in the bag rang, and Feng Xiaoxiao put the toast in his mouth.

The green light was about to pass just now. Although there were only a few seconds left, those few seconds were just enough to pass.


"it's me."

"What did you say?!"

The toast she was biting on her mouth fell off, but Feng Xiaoxiao couldn't care less.

Because I don't know what the person on the other end of the phone said.

Now she only felt that the sky was about to collapse, and she stood there dumbstruck in shock.

Suddenly, her eyes went dark.

 The heroine is dead, the book is over
(End of this chapter)

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