Chapter 197

"This is the end?!" Feng Xiaoxiao just raised her eyebrows after hearing this, and then there was no expression on her face.

Originally they thought that Xiao Xiao would rekindle their old relationship, but it seems they were overthinking it.

Yi Shuihan said honestly, "It's over."

Feng Xiaoxiao just let him go so easily.

"Why don't you continue to say something more, it's better to say something that hurts his heart, and it will kill him." Feng Xiaoxiao said dissatisfied.

Although they saw Feng Xiaoxiao talking expressionlessly, they could still see the resentful hatred in her eyes.


Time is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are like a shuttle.

A week passed in a flash.

Because of the doctor's request, let her rest with peace of mind, especially not to overwork her head.

Yi Shuihan knew that she was an uneasy master, so under Feng Xiaoxiao's constant threats, she still confiscated her optical brain.

Whatever Feng Xiaoxiao said, he still wouldn't give it to her.

In other words, as long as she rests in peace for half a month, after half a month, without her saying anything, he will naturally return the optical brain to her.

Feng Xiaoxiao knew that Yi Shuihan would do what she said, and she would not swallow her optical brain, besides, the optical brain was already bound, so even if she swallowed it, it would be useless.

This week, let alone, Feng Xiaoxiao is indeed "resting".

Feng Xiaoxiao didn't know what Yi Shuihan was doing every day, and Qian Qiuhan was always with her in the ward.

But Qian Qiuhan has been playing God's Domain, brushing dungeons, and ignoring himself when talking to him.

Very good, since I called you and you ignored me, then don't bother me if you have anything to do.

Therefore, Qian Qiuhan had played a dungeon several times but never played it. When he asked Feng Xiaoxiao for advice, Feng Xiaoxiao used the excuse that he was busy reading novels and didn't have time, so he didn't bother to talk to him.

This made Qian Qiuhan very depressed, what's so good about a novel.

When he saw the title of the novel "My lord, the madam is out to seduce people again", the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching a few times, such an old-fashioned novel can be published.

Is the taste of people now back to the past?
Forget it, since Feng Xiaoxiao is very busy, don't bother her, just play with yourself.

In this way, Qian Qiuhan continued to brush her copy, while Feng Xiaoxiao started to read novels to pass the time because she was bored.

Since then embarked on a road of no return.

And it's the kind that goes further and further away.
There was less than a week before the start of the regional competition, and he originally planned to join the guild until the semifinals.

However, Feng Xiaoxiao suddenly changed her mind, she wanted to join the guild before the start of the regional competition.

However, before that, she had to tidy up.

After all, when filming the promotional video, many people had already seen her real face. Although she had put on makeup at that time, it was just light makeup.

Moreover, I have a pierced left ear and my skin is whiter than other boys, so I can easily be misunderstood as a violent boy.

So Feng Xiaoxiao specially wore earrings, but later found that there was no Adam's apple, so she had to go to a physical store to buy a fake Adam's apple.

She remembered that when the promotional video was filmed, Fengshen's character design was cold and indifferent. If it was still the same character design as at that time, some people might question it, so Feng Xiaoxiao's current character design is...

(Well,... I can't say it yet, my dear ones, take your time)

"Xiao Xiao, are you ready, ready to go." Yi Shuihan's voice came from outside the room.

"Here comes."

When Feng Xiaoxiao pushed open the door, what caught his eyes was their stunned expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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