Chapter 202

After Feng Xiaoxiao handed the set of books to Qian Qiuhan, he asked him to put the books away.

So I went to the Internet cafe with him to find someone.

In fact, before forming the team, it was very easy for Feng Xiaoxiao to form the team all the time.

She felt very relaxed because those people used to come to apply for membership by themselves.

After all, Feng Xiaoxiao's previous guild was the top ten guilds, and it was a great honor for some people to be able to join the chief guild.

Because not everyone can join the chief guild, as we all know, the chief guild is the most difficult to enter among all guilds.

But being able to join the chief guild means that their operations are almost the same as those of professional players.

It can even be said to be a bit better than professional players.

It's a pity that the current chief guild is no longer hers.

Otherwise, she might sneak out a few people from the guild.

Feng Xiaoxiao thought about it, and shook her head regretfully.

"Where is the biggest internet cafe in city g?" Feng Xiaoxiao asked.

Internet cafes generally have more medium-sized ones, and smaller ones and large ones. After all, no one is born a prophet.

Who will know if you open this Internet cafe and it will bring you good income.

Therefore, those who can open a large-scale Internet cafe must either have a background background, or have investment funds, or both.

Qian Qiuhan was holding a book, of course it was the same book, not the original one, since he had finished reading the original one, why should he still read that one.

"The largest Internet cafe in City G is a bit far from our base, but we don't necessarily have to go to a large Internet cafe. We can also go to an Internet cafe nearby."

Qian Qiuhan said with a smile, it could be seen that he was very happy.

"Then take me to an Internet cafe nearby."

Qian Qiuhan didn't have any ink marks on her, she hugged her hand tightly, and left with a big stride.

Fortunately, Feng Xiaoxiao is not short, otherwise, she would have to trot.

The Internet cafe closest to the Death Guild is through the Feng Group.

But when Feng Xiaoxiao passed by the gate of Feng's Group, she didn't even take a look inside.

She knew that Feng's Group must have installed cameras, not only inside, but also outside.

Now Feng's Group is basically going to be included in Ji Shi Group's pocket.

But she knows how Ji Xi is, and Ji Xi is cautious, he will find out everything, and he will not stop until he sees it with his own eyes.

When they became boyfriend and girlfriend back then, Ji Xifan went out of his way to check her information. Fortunately, Mrs. Song was behind the scenes to help, so they were not found out.

Now without Mrs. Song's help, Ji Xifan can easily find out her identity.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Ji Xi won't know, but Feng Xiaoxiao wants to tell him on the most special day.

However, before that day came, she had nothing.

If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself for being blind.

"Aren't you angry?" Qian Qiuhan, who was walking in front, took a few steps back, walking in sync with Feng Xiaoxiao.

"Heh." Feng Xiaoxiao's eyes trembled, his expression was cold and frosty, "There's nothing to be angry about, this is my thing, I'll get it back sooner or later, it's just temporarily in someone else's hands for safekeeping , Maybe he can help me earn some back, I have to be grateful to him."

When Feng Xiaoxiao said the word "grateful", she emphasized her tone.

 I also know that my writing is not good, but if you think it is not good-looking, can you remove the bookshelf?A matter of seconds.

  But writing is not easy, don’t give bad reviews casually, from now on, if you see comments below four stars, delete them all, don’t ask me where your comments go, I deleted them, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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