Chapter 208

That was real too.

Even if he ranked in the top 20, before he met Feng Xiaoxiao, he thought his technique was the best.

But after getting to know Feng Xiaoxiao, he competed with her.

He just knew that there are people out there, and there is a sky outside the sky. Compared with ordinary people, his skills are very good.

But compared to Feng Xiaoxiao's skills, his skills are simply masterful.

Hearing that Tang Zixi actually said that he wanted to compete with Feng Xiaoxiao, or the match in God's Domain, he almost died laughing.

Isn't this just wanting to be slapped in the face by others?

And judging from his expression, it seems that he is full of confidence in his skills.

Even though he was like that at the beginning.

Don't mention it, don't mention it, it is simply my own black history.

" technique may not be very good," Feng Xiaoxiao put on a troubled look.

Seeing Feng Xiaoxiao's expression, Qian Qiuhan felt that his old blood was about to vomit out.

Sister, you are doing this again.

Is it so fun to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?

However, last time she was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, and she was cheated by her, and she still does this trick now

Isn't she tired of playing?
Tang Zixi showed his bright white teeth, "Don't worry, I will take good care of you."

He raised his chin and said, "Go, turn on a machine for them."

Feng Xiaoxiao waved the card in his hand and said, "No need, I have a card here."

Turned on the phone, logged into God's Domain, the two put on headsets, added friends and went to the arena for PK.

Unlike kvs games, they are one-on-one.

The kvs game is a five-five duel, with the purpose of attacking the opponent's main city to win.

It takes a little time to enter the arena. While everyone was waiting, they were bored looking at the information they displayed on the screen.

I don’t know, I’m scared.

They already knew Tang Zixi's strength.

But they still don't know Feng Xiaoxiao's strength.

So when they saw Feng Xiaoxiao's information, they almost wondered if there was something wrong with their eyes.

Feng Xiaoxiao's game character this time is a swordsman.

She no longer plans to play a battle mage anymore, if he is playing a battle mage, maybe he will be exposed.

Although she is used to the battle mage, she will not be used to it if she changes it for a while.

But after using it for a long time, you will always get used to it.

They were not surprised by the swordsman profession, but what surprised them was that the character level was only level nine!
Although it is said that after the fifth level, it is not a novice level, but in their view, this level is no different from the novice level.

A mere novice at level nine dared to challenge the ninth god in the overall ranking. I really don't know where he got the courage.

"Oh, I forgot to mention, are there any rules for the competition?" Feng Xiaoxiao said lightly.

"What do you need so many rules? No rules, trouble."

"That's good, but I still have to explain, if I win, I will take him away," Feng Xiaoxiao pointed at An Yiyang and said.

"What if you lose?"

"I will not lose." Feng Xiaoxiao said with firm eyes.

After Feng Xiaoxiao said this, everyone around burst into laughter.

As if laughing at his incompetence.

Only Qian Qiuhan, who was in the know, didn't think so. In his opinion, Tang Zixi would be the one who would be slapped in the face.

So, no rush.

"I think your ten fingers are very beautiful. I have decided that if you lose, your ten fingers will belong to me."

Everyone gasped when they heard this.

(End of this chapter)

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