Chapter 210

Very good, since this is the case, then I will beat you back to your original shape.

Let all the hard work you have put in these past few months be in vain.

[World] System: The player [Zi Buxi] and the player [wink] each signed a certificate of life and death. The knights of the rivers and lakes have been informed, and the knights of the rivers and lakes are expected to be witnesses.

Not long after the system message was sent out, the world that had been silent for a long time seemed to be exploding, and each of them continued to emerge from different places.

[World] Come on, be happy: Oh my God, they are so courageous, they dare to sign the certificate of life and death, aren't they afraid of being demoted?

[World] I dare to eat shit, do you dare: It's been a long time since I saw someone sign a life and death certificate.Unexpectedly, there are still people who dare to sign the life and death certificate.

[World] I love lollipops: The name upstairs is disgusting.

[World] Come on, be happy: I have read their information, but it is just a battle between a great god and an unknown pawn.It would be great if Fengshen was still there.

[World] I love lollipops: Yes, if Fengshen is there, it would be no problem to knock them down.It's a pity...May Fengshen be well in heaven.

[World] Come, be happy: May Fengshen be well in heaven.

[World] This number has no name: +1.


When Feng Xiaoxiao saw "May Fengshen be well in heaven", the corners of Feng Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched a few times.

Although she knew that Qian Qiuhan had announced the news of her death, she didn't feel anything when she heard it.

But when she actually saw it now, she just felt weird.

Everyone only pays attention to the news of the world that keeps popping up on the computer screen.

No one noticed the sadness flashing in Tang Zixi's eyes.

[System] Ring: The pk countdown begins.

When the computer screen displayed [-], Feng Xiaoxiao tensed her body, her eyes fixed on the computer without moving.

But Tang Zixi remained in the same posture and did not change, because he was absolutely sure that he had already won.

It's just a newcomer who has just started, and he can knock him down with a casual move.

To be honest, a person is a newcomer who just started. In his opinion, it is not fun to refresh the copy.

It's a pity that it takes five people to get in to refresh the dungeon, otherwise he wouldn't be bothered to play with this newcomer.

Tang Zixi's battle mage was dressed in blue, except for the silver-gray long tassel spear, the whole body of the battle mage was blue.

Sharp-eyed people can see it in an instant.

"No wonder, I just said why this outfit looks so familiar, isn't this the outfit of Fengshen's battle mage!"

"If you don't tell me, I really don't remember! His outfit is exactly the same as Fengshen's outfit!"

"Who said it's exactly the same! Fengshen's long tasseled spear is silver! His is just a silver-gray close to silver, so it's exactly the same."

"He made this outfit exactly the same as the Fengshen battle mage, wouldn't he be a fan of Fengshen too!"

"Do you still need to say it? You can tell it at a glance!"


Feng Xiaoxiao glanced at the battle mage on the opposite side, and she could tell with just one glance.

The equipment on this battle mage is all the details of the battle mage's equipment that she sorted out and released on the forum a few years ago.

And she has been using this equipment.

But I didn't expect that the person next to her would actually use the equipment she sorted out.

However, it's none of her business anymore, all she has to do now is to pk with him.

(End of this chapter)

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