Chapter 221

The regional competition came as scheduled, and the team members who had already advanced to the regional competition were all excited.

As far as the city competition is concerned, it is good that everyone can participate.

But that is also a mixed bag, and what kind of team they can be matched with depends on their luck.

However, it is the regional competition now, and teams from different cities have advanced.

To be able to advance to the regional competition, it means that their skills are good, or their luck is very good.

Of course, more people still choose technology.

The regional competition is divided into small districts, central districts and large districts.

The community is divided into eight districts, namely East District, West District, South District, North District, Southeast District, Southwest District, Northeast District, and Northwest District.

There are four districts in the Central District, which are East District, West District, South District and North District.

The big district is divided into two districts, namely the North District and the South District.

And Qin Jiujiu and the others are currently in the southwest region.

To be precise, the Southern District.

There are a total of fifty teams present in the southwest region today, but each region only has five teams.

In other words, out of every ten teams, only one team can advance.

One can imagine how cruel such competition is.

But there is no way to do this, and they can only abide by it.

Although today is the first day of the regional competition, according to the usual practice, before the competition, they will introduce the team.

In order to show fairness, each team will naturally introduce it.

After each team was introduced, it was already past 4 pm.

According to this time period, probably only one or two games can be played.

Qin Jiujiu and his team were in the middle of the match, so they went back first.

Why stay here if you don't go back, watch them play.

Watching them play, might as well go back to sleep.

"Phew, I'm really exhausted. I didn't expect such a simple program to actually be so tiring."

"That's right. Fortunately, it's not our turn to compete today. Otherwise, we wouldn't have a chance to rest."

"By the way, captain, who will go to the game tomorrow? Tell us in advance, so we can prepare better."

When Yi Shuihan heard someone calling him, he raised his head and inadvertently looked at where Qin Jiujiu was.

Qin Jiujiu turned his head away vaguely. This kind of matter has to be resolved by himself. If he helps him with everything, he will never grow up.

This is just like my previous self.

Yi Shuihan lowered his head slightly, his star-like eyes dimmed.

In the past, these things were done by the president, but now it was his turn to do them, so he still felt a little flustered.

Because he has never done these things.

Now that he is suddenly asked to do these things, it is strange that he is not in a hurry.

But only when you experience something can you really grow up.

Yi Shuihan pursed his lips, and then said: "The ones who will play tomorrow are me, Qin Jiujiu, Tang Zixi, An Yiyang, Qian Qiuhan, if the others have nothing to do, they will train at the base tomorrow and play the game the day after tomorrow, of course Everyone will have a chance to play."

"I will give you a chance to play according to your performance in the game. Don't say that you have few opportunities to play. What you should think about is your own performance and whether you can let yourself play."

After Yi Shuihan finished speaking, he also said some other things that need to be noticed in the game.

Qin Jiujiu didn't expect him to be able to say these things, and even she might not be able to say these things.

It seems that he cannot be underestimated.

(End of this chapter)

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