Chapter 229

"That's right, I really can't figure it out. Look at the record, 35:13! If it is such a record, if we are, I am afraid that we would have lost long ago. I think they may have planned it a long time ago!"

After the onlookers analyzed it, 3 Ji Xifan kept thinking about what happened just now while he was recovering.

When Ji Xi thought about it, the only thing left on the red side was the shooter.

However, although the shooter's damage is good, it is not enough to achieve five-to-one.

Therefore, he can only hide in the small town as much as possible, and hide in the small town to guard the city.

Helpless, there are five people on the other side,
Anyone who comes into an anti-city casually can kill him,

The exclusive room of Team Glory.

Sagittarius looked back pitifully, "Captain, I'm really sorry, they have so many people, I really can't lead so many cities by myself."

The expression on Ji Xifan's face didn't change, "This is normal, I don't blame you, hit hard..."

Before he could say anything, the shooter had already been killed by Yuecheng Qianggong.

Because the damage in the early stage is low, the recovery is fast.

But in the later stage, the damage becomes higher, and the recovery becomes slower.

The blue team suddenly transformed from a headwind to a tailwind, which made the audience a little overwhelmed.

"It's not that the situation is developing too fast, I can't react, who can tell what happened just now?!"

"Please let me know!"


"5 minutes ago, the Reaper team was in a headwind situation. There were less than two highland towns. The blue team had battle mages, shadow moon assassins, and archers guarding the house to cover people's eyes and ears. People mistakenly thought that the swordsman and magician were offline. I didn't expect them to go out. The sneak attack went."

"However, it really made their sneak attack successful. Although the battle mage from the red side reacted later, it was still the swordsman from the blue side who took the head."

"As for the rest, I think you should have seen it too, so I won't say more. Anyway, in my opinion, everything the blue side does seems to be planned."

After they all came out from the red side, there was only one small highland town left on the red side.

The Great Spirit and the Small Spirit were also taken away.

This time, the red side directly turned into a headwind situation, and the headwind was so headwinded that it could no longer be headwinded.

5 minutes later.

The Reaper team defeated the Glory team with a disadvantage of 15:35.

The narrator was silent for five seconds, he was rubbing his eyes, he couldn't believe it.

The Glory team with an undefeated record in the city competition actually lost to the Reaper team.

I knew that the members of the Glory team were all elite members who had stayed in the Scarlet Jiangnan guild before.

What is the concept of becoming a member of the Scarlet Jiangnan elite?
That's comparable to professional players, no, in a real sense, it's even better than professional players.

Although the people in the death team are basically on the leaderboard.

But the comprehensive ranking has not been changed for a long time, and the current ranking is not very accurate.

If the leaderboard is updated, I am afraid that many people will go down from the list, and many people will come up from the bottom of the list.

If the comprehensive leaderboard is really updated, the Scarlet Jiangnan Guild will probably have the most people.

The second is the Glory Guild.

But now that the "humans" of the Glory Guild have lost to the Reaper Team, it is conceivable that their strength is definitely higher than that of the Glory Team.

"Captain, what should we do? We lost and it was all my fault. If it wasn't for me, if it wasn't for me, we wouldn't have lost..."

"No, no, I should be blamed. If I hadn't been cautious enough, we wouldn't have lost..."


When the members of Team Glory saw that their team had lost, they couldn't help blaming themselves.

Even if I haven't done anything, it's hard to say that I did it myself.

Ji Xi closed her eyes instead, took a deep breath, "Okay, stop arguing, none of this is your fault."

 It will be on the shelves on September 9th, if you haven't read it, hurry up and cache it, otherwise it's time to ask for money.

  Otherwise, ask me why I charge money, the author also needs to eat, okay? !
  I'll just take full attendance... (sad)

(End of this chapter)

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