Chapter 232

That person did not expect Tang Zixi to dare to say such a thing so brazenly.

Even the ace players in his guild couldn't be treated so well.

Not to mention him, a battle mage who has only entered the top [-] in the comprehensive ranking.

The more the man heard it, the more livid his face became. Tang Zixi saw that his face was not very good, but he pretended not to know anything.

He shouted in surprise: "Oh, what's wrong with you? Why is your face so ugly? Is there something wrong? Do you need to call a doctor for you? I happen to know a few doctors, and his medical skills are very good Yes, don't be so polite, as a comrade-in-arms, it's okay to do you a little favor..."

Qian Qiuhan thought he was just a gangster, but he didn't expect his mouth to be so eloquent, so eloquent, so eloquent.

It seems that his vision is still short-sighted, as expected, people can't just look at the surface.

"Captain Yi's team members are indeed all capable people. Not only are they superb in operation, but they are also so eloquent. I wonder if Captain Yi has any clever tricks. Can you let me know."

Ji Xifan was not influenced by Tang Zixi's words. In his opinion, Tang Zixi's words were just low-level tastes, which could only be regarded as barely getting on the stage.

When Ji Xifan came out of the room, Qin Jiujiu lowered his head slightly without any trace.

Although she had cross-dressed during the filming of the promotional video, her hair was broken and she didn't wear earrings at that time. Although her expression was indifferent, she could still feel gentle when she smiled.

But now Qin Jiujiu's hair is almost shawl, and he still wears an earring on his left ear, and he keeps his head down at all times.

The audience thought he was introverted and didn't like to talk too much with others.

But the audience are basically people who like enthusiasm, so they don't pay much attention to Qin Jiujiu, so that when they see his face.

Although he looked familiar, they didn't think too much about it, only that he had a popular face, and at most he was a little better looking than the public face.

Yi Shui raised his eyes coldly, and the people around him felt a lot colder in an instant, thinking that the air conditioner was turned on too much, so they rubbed their arms involuntarily.

"I just accepted what I saw pleasing to the eye. Where did the brilliant move come from? Captain Ji's trick is really brilliant. It must have taken a lot of thought to make them jump over here, but it's a pity... "

It's a pity that you still lost.

So what if people change jobs in that guild?
It's not the same as losing to the death team.

Now, the man refused to accept, "What do you know, we..."

Before he finished speaking, Ji Xifan stretched out his hand and interrupted him, "Of course I'm not as good as Captain Yi, you can even find out the chief magician, but I don't have the ability."

"It's just..." He changed the subject, "It's just that this swordsman is unknown on the list. I don't know where you found this hidden master?"

"What's none of your business? You seem to ask everything clearly. Why should we tell you everything about our own affairs?!" Tang Zixi said.

Only then did Ji Xifan show an apologetic smile, smiling lightly, like a spring breeze blowing on his face, which made people feel relieved a few times.

"I'm really sorry, it was my negligence. If there is any dissatisfaction, please forgive me."

"It's getting late, I hope we can chat so happily next time."

After all, he led the team behind him to leave.

Seeing Ji Xifan and the others leave, Qin Jiujiu raised his head, and a look of sternness flashed in his eyes.

Ji Xifan One day, I want you to be ruined.

Take advantage of this "opportunity" now!

"This Ji Xifan is really deceiving!"

(End of this chapter)

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