Chapter 246

Helpless, Xie Lingui can make him like this.

He decided that Tang Zixi would never drink alcohol in the future.

When Tang Zixi got drunk, he was the only one willing to take care of him.

Now he finally knows how tiring it is to take care of a drunk person.

However, it is impossible to use this reason to persuade him not to drink in the future!

As a man, how can you not drink!

However, that doesn't mean a man who doesn't drink isn't a man.

Xie Lingui felt that if he said this, he might be beaten by a man who doesn't drink!
Thinking of this, Xie Lingui couldn't help shrinking his neck and swallowing.

"Hmm..." Tang Zixi, who was sleeping like a dead pig, suddenly let out a sound that sounded both painful and uncomfortable.

Xie Lingui felt that the situation was wrong, so he hurried up.

But unexpectedly, Xie Lingui felt that his slippers were sticky before going up a few steps.

Xie Lingui didn't dare to look down, he was afraid that he would be disgusted.

Because he knew that even if he didn't look down, he would know what was stuck on the shoe.

He was going crazy, why did the gate of the Death Guild base suddenly close? !

If the door hadn't been closed, Tang Zixi might be in the base now.

Then he doesn't have to take care of Tang Zixi, and he doesn't have to tidy the floor either!
And I might be sleeping now!

It's a pity that there is no such thing as uncertainty in the world.

Helpless, Xie Lingui cleaned up Tang Zixi's vomit on the ground.

The next night, Xie Lingui spent the night taking care of Tang Zixi and cleaning the floor.

Early in the morning.

The sunlight was so strong that Tang Zixi, who was lying by the window, had to raise his hand to block the sunlight.

And Xie Lingui didn't know when he lay down beside the bed, sleeping deeply.

Tang Zixi took a nap for a few minutes, then sat up suddenly from the bed!
Perhaps Tang Zixi's movements were a little too loud, waking Xie Lingui who was sleeping beside the bed.

Xie Lingui was drowsy, raised his head with sleepy eyes, and rubbed his eyes lightly with his hands habitually.

Then, he looked blankly at Tang Zixi who sat up from the bed, and asked, "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

It is summer and morning again.

In summer, it starts to light up after five o'clock in the morning, and the sun has risen by seven o'clock.

It will be almost eight o'clock, and the sun is more than just rising.

To be precise, it is dazzling.

When Xie Lingui raised his head, his face was facing the window.

So when the sun shines in, it hits his face just right.

He couldn't help narrowing his eyes, "It's still early, Zixi, why don't you sleep a little longer!"

At this point in time, for Xie Lingui who only woke up at noon, the daytime life has just begun.

That's why he said it was still early.

However, for Tang Zixi, who has now joined the guild, this time is clearly the time for the guild members to train.

Tang Zixi looked at the sun outside the window, then turned to look at Xie Lingui, and asked anxiously, "What time is it now?! Do you have a car?!"

Hearing Tang Zixi asking about the time, Xie Lingui subconsciously looked at the watch on his wrist, "Well, it's past eight o'clock, since you should wake up, or you should have breakfast before leaving!"

"What?!" Tang Zixi's eyes widened, and he grabbed Xie Lingui's hand with the watch in disbelief.

He couldn't believe it was already past eight o'clock!

However, he saw the time on his watch and believed it.

At this time, the watches follow the network data and automatically change the time.

So seeing the time on the watch does not mean that there is something wrong with the watch.

(End of this chapter)

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