Chapter 269

However, what happened next took them by surprise.

Aren't they going to do something "shameful", ah bah, "vigorous"?
Why would they get off at the clothing store? !
And it's a high-end clothing city! ?

This is completely incompatible with the "shady" thing! Hey!

What about doing something "shameful"? !

However, what happened next surprised them even more.

Well, where does the president choose clothes for the members? !
They haven't seen any guild leader who would be so kind as to bring guild members out to buy clothes.

And I bought it in a high-end clothing city.

This is the largest high-end clothing city in city G, and those who can come here to buy clothes are either the rich or the wealthy, or those who come here to "tour in modest clothes".

The price of a piece of clothing here can be equivalent to half a year's salary of an ordinary family.

Guild members Well, this guild leader can't bring every member out to buy clothes! ?

That's not enough to buy him to go bankrupt!

So, they must have adultery!
This news is also good!
Although people are now able to accept homosexuality, but open and aboveboard homosexual people have not seen.

If it is suddenly revealed that the president of a certain guild is gay, it will definitely become a hot topic today!
At that time, won't the money flow into your trouser pocket?

So, the paparazzi took advantage of Yi Shuihan to try on Qin Jiujiu's clothes, and kept snapping photos of them.
This dress is very nice, it suits you.

Qin Jiujiu took a look at the dress, and said helplessly, "I want to wear this dress too, but if I wear this dress now, they don't think I'm crazy?!"

It turned out that Yi Shuihan's women's clothes kept comparing with her.

Hearing what Qin Jiujiu said now, Yi Shuihan finally came to his senses.

That's right, she is no longer a woman, and she can no longer wear women's clothing openly.

If you wear women's clothes, some people will say that wearing these is nondescript.

Yi Shuihan's face turned red, he still thought that Qin Jiujiu was still the same Qin Jiujiu from before.

However, that was already impossible.

Yi Shuihan held Qin Jiujiu silently, not knowing what he was thinking.

Qin Jiujiu and Yi Shuihan are tall and tall. Although they are wearing masks, they can still see their general appearance from half of their faces.

The two handsome boys stood together, and walked around the men's clothing section hand in hand.

It doesn't make people think wrong.

"Oh my god, what did I see?!"

Girl A continued to play with her phone without looking up, "Huh? What did you see?"

"Stop playing! What's the fun! No matter how good-looking the phone is, can the little brother look good?"

When girl A heard the word "little brother", her eyes flickered, "Where is little brother?!"

"There! And there are two little brothers holding hands! They look very close!"

"They can't be gay! But it doesn't matter." She paused, and continued: "What should I do, I suddenly want to ask them for autographs."

The two girls looked at each other, and went to where Qin Jiujiu and the others were without saying a word.

However, Qin Jiujiu and the others...are still trying on clothes, completely unaware that someone will come to them in a while,
"It's a nice dress!"

"This one is also very good!"

"This one suits you too!"

"This dress will look great on you!"

"These clothes are great! I really want to see each one, I really love you!"


"Wow!" When the girls heard the last sentence, they felt as if they had been hit by an arrow in their hearts.

Is it really okay to be so aboveboard and show affection in front of them? !
(End of this chapter)

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