Chapter 276

The main reason is that he has few primitive skills and his steps are light.

When running, the footsteps are fast, and the response is sensitive when directing the direction.

It can be said that the easiest game character for beginners is the swordsman.

It's a pity that his damage is not as high as that of Shadowmoon Assassin.

Shadowmoon Assassin has high damage, but it is not easy to operate.

So even if those newcomers covet the high-damage Shadowmoon Assassin, they will inevitably choose the easy-to-handle Swordsman.

Although the swordsman is easy to learn, but if the operation skills do not improve in the later stage, no matter how easy the swordsman is to learn, he will just stay in place.

Qin Jiujiu used to be the main battle mage, and he didn't know much about other game characters.

However, in order to be able to quickly use a game character other than a battle mage.

Qin Jiujiu chose the swordsman who was easy to use in the early stage. Fortunately, she has the basic skills of the previous battle mage.

Able to reach a certain level in a short period of time.

If it wasn't for the help of a magician in that match.

Qin Jiujiu might have to fight with the opponent for a while.

Although he has the background of a battle mage, Qin Jiujiu's operation skills are already used to the operation of a battle mage.

If she is allowed to use the game character of swordsman, she will still use some of the combat mage's operation skills on swordsman.

Habits accumulated over the years cannot be changed for a while.

So, change slowly.
It took Qin Jiujiu an hour to make a low-level dungeon guide.

In fact, there are already a lot of low-level dungeon strategies in the God's Domain forum.

God's Domain Forum is the official forum of God's Domain Games.

Most of the posts in it are about marriage, CP, or posting strategies for everyone.

In fact, the God's Domain forum still focuses on posting strategies.

Officials will not release strategies, which in another sense is cheating.

But if the official does not release it, it does not mean that others will not release it.

When God's Domain first came out, Qin Jiujiu was the first to release the strategy.

Mainly because she was in a hurry.

What she didn't expect was that as soon as her strategy was released, it won a lot of praise from people.

At the same time, during the same period, her guide posts had as many as [-] likes.

And the official administrator saw that this post had so many likes, and it was a guide post, so she pinned her post to the top without even thinking about it.

However, Qin Jiujiu didn't just go to the strategy because he was in a hurry.

It's that she wants to get a strategy to attract fans.

Although, as long as she told Yi Shuihan, Yi Shuihan would definitely help.

However, she wanted to do it herself.

However, as soon as Qin Jiujiu posted the strategy, he was immediately overwhelmed by other posts.

Fortunately, Qin Jiujiu had the foresight to post not only on the full post, but also on the strategy post.

She knows that God's Domain is very popular now, with as many as 1000 million people online at the same time every day.

With so many people playing games, there must be many people visiting the official forum of God's Domain.

As soon as the post was posted, Qin Jiujiu didn't read it immediately.

She knew that since the post had just been published, not many people would read it,

What's more, it's still a low-level guide, even if someone reads it, it's still a new one.

It is said to be a low-level strategy, but it is more detailed and easier to understand than other strategies.

After Qin Jiujiu released the strategy, he browsed the forum and went offline to rest.

She still has training in the afternoon, and she doesn't want to lose her mental state during training.

She not only has to be a good role model, but also a member who is not lazy.

When Qin Jiujiu came back from training in the afternoon, he checked his posts online.

The number of views is more than 1, and the number of likes is almost equal to the number of views.

(End of this chapter)

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