Chapter 279

I got home very late and went to bed late.

So today's mental state is not there.

She fiddled with the computer listlessly.

She has been working as an administrator in the God's Domain official forum for almost three months.

Except for the few days of training when entering God's Domain.

It was a bit busy during the few days of training, and after the subsequent training passed.

The rest of the time I stay in front of the computer desktop, staring at the computer intently.

She is very sleepy now, but she dare not lean on the table to sleep.

In this era, which company will not install monitoring for its own company?
If something is stolen from your company, it will be difficult to find out without monitoring.

Not only is it difficult to find out, but it is also a waste of time.

Therefore, many companies install monitoring for their companies.

What's more, for a company as big as Feng's Group,

There is surveillance installed, and someone must watch the surveillance video.

See if anyone is slacking off.

As long as you are caught being lazy, the company will deduct money.

Although Li Tingmiao's salary as an internal administrator is quite high, the internal accounting department deducts a lot of money.

Li Tingmiao thought about it, if she accidentally fell asleep.

Maybe they will be deducted a small amount of money, Li Tingmiao quickly cheered up.

All for small money!

Thinking of this, Li Tingmiao casually opened the official website of God's Domain.

When she first started working as an internal administrator, she was quite interested in this profession.

Therefore, the review of posts on the forum is extremely strict.

A lot of players who have been harmed have to modify their posts.

Later, Li Tingmiao got tired of reading these posts.

I'm not interested in these posts, and I don't even want to read them.

The posts here are pretty much the same,

At least tens of thousands of posts are seen every day.

That means watching the same content tens of thousands of times.

I get tired of watching the same content ten times.

No matter how much you like it, you will get tired of watching it twenty times.

Let alone watching it tens of thousands of times.

So, later Li Tingmiao didn't even watch it.

Send these posts directly to the system for processing.

I went to detect the virus in the background by myself.

The last time Li Tingmiao read the post.

It was two weeks ago.

This time, Li Tingmiao went to see it suddenly.

It's all because she doesn't want to be deducted a small amount of money.

"Hey, why do these posts still have the same content? Can't there be some fresh ones?" Li Tingmiao sighed and said, "Even if there are no new ones, you can still get some of the hottest news right now."

There are clear regulations within God's Domain.

During work hours, you are not allowed to use your computer to scan anything other than the Shenyu Forum.

Even if they secretly go to brush, someone will always find out,

Li Tingmiao continued to scroll a few posts, just when she was about to quit.

A striking headline caught her attention, followed by the rising popularity.

Even if there are constant posts.

But that post is still securely occupying the front.

Li Tingmiao thought it was someone who swiped the data, but the background system couldn't find it out, so he went to check it himself.

But I couldn't help but click in and take a look.

Then, his eyes kept shining.

This is the most difficult advanced dungeon to refresh successfully!

It's actually a strategy for advanced dungeons!

In her lifetime, she actually saw the strategy of Ling's advanced dungeon with her own eyes!

Without further ado, Li Tingmiao directly put this post on the top of the God's Domain forum.

This is simply to increase the number of views and likes for another sense of the post!

The moment Li Tingmiao pinned that post to the top.

Colleagues sitting in the same office also received the message at the same time.

It is the strategy of Li Tingmiao's top-level dungeon strategy post.

At first, some people were dissatisfied.

Because Li Tingmiao put it on the top of the post on her own initiative without discussing it with them.

(End of this chapter)

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