Chapter 284

How should this be played?
If you play like this, if you don't have superb operating skills to refresh the copy.

Purely a waste of time.

Therefore, most players will choose to go to the world to publish and recruit teams.

It took about half an hour for Qin Jiujiu's intermediate dungeon guide video.

In this dungeon, you can't meet the boss casually.

It's not like other dungeons, other dungeons can be met by walking around, waiting for your boss all the time.

And for this dungeon, you need to find the boss by yourself.

At first, when this dungeon first came out, it was very popular with players.

Because its copy is very novel, and it is not a rigid way to fight monsters.

It's like playing hide and seek, you have to find the boss, and then kill the boss to be considered a win.

This dungeon is said to be easy to win.

Actually, no.

This dungeon is quite easy, but I want to find the boss.

But it's not an easy thing.

The players all thought that only luck could "lead" out the boss by chance.

In fact, he just stepped on the boss's tail inadvertently.

Woke up the boss.

As a boss who has the spirit of getting up, but also a mere human to wake himself up.

Can the boss not be angry?
Thus, the player's battle with the boss begins.

Qin Jiujiu finished the video guide.

However, this video guide does not have a language explanation.

Qin Jiujiu was afraid that those newcomers would not be able to understand the video guide, so he edited a pure language guide by the way.

Edited the language guide in ten minutes.

Video guides and language guides are combined and uploaded together.

Qin Jiujiu learned the lesson from last time.

Compress the video guide before uploading.

In less than 2 minutes, the upload is complete.

At the same time, I have been waiting for Qin Jiujiu to update.

The moment Qin Jiujiu uploaded successfully, the Weibo system sent a message to notify them.

Now Qin Jiujiu's Weibo fans have risen to more than 100 million.

So many fans have been added in less than a week.

And it's still a Weibo account of a nobody.

No matter what anyone says, he will think that he made it like this.

"W big! In my lifetime, I actually saw the update of W big again! Huh? Why is it updated as an intermediate strategy? I thought the updated strategy of W big was an advanced strategy! It made me happy for nothing!"

"The one in front is Senior Black? Don't believe what he said? For me, no matter what strategy W University updates, W University's strategy will always be easy to understand!"

"Although this strategy is an intermediate-level dungeon strategy, it is the most difficult to refresh successfully in the intermediate-level dungeon. The reason is the same. This dungeon can be refreshed successfully without operating skills. It also requires a certain amount of luck. In the dungeon Trigger the boss inside, otherwise it will be useless."

"If I didn't have enough luck, I wouldn't enter this dungeon to refresh. Although I don't know when my luck will be enough, but I think I read the strategy of W University. I think my luck , it is enough!".

As soon as this guide came out, the number of views, likes, and reposts showed a linear upward trend.

This dungeon could only be refreshed successfully by luck and operational skills.

After reading this strategy now, I said that it depends on luck to refresh successfully.

That's all bullshit!

It is obvious that he wants to find out the "tail" of the boss and step on it.

Therefore, those players who failed to refresh the mid-level copy.

There was another wave of refreshing mid-level dungeons.

If you don't refresh this intermediate dungeon now, when will you wait?

(End of this chapter)

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