Chapter 289

"It's okay not to participate. You can choose to withdraw from the competition. We require that you must participate in this event before the competition."

"If you don't participate, we will assume that you will withdraw from the competition."

When the organizer finished speaking this sentence.

The faces of the people present suddenly became ugly.

It was not easy for them to reach the final.

Suddenly, asking them not to participate in this event means that they are out of the game by default.

Wouldn't the previous efforts be in vain? !

This is absolutely not allowed!

Absolutely cannot exist.

Isn't it just to pick out a member from their guild and send it to another guild for seven days?
compared to the game.

It's all a little thing.

Thinking about the game is more important.

So, those presidents who originally disagreed.

Now they all nodded in agreement.

However, Ji Xifan, who had been sitting on the sidelines, was speaking while the organizer was speaking.

He began to observe the people below.

It was a condescending look.

"Since you don't have any comments, let's pick out members now." The organizer said.

"First of all, the president of the Scarlet Jiangnan Guild will pick first."

As soon as the organizer said this, the entire venue was in an uproar.

They are very familiar with the Scarlet Jiangnan guild!

Bloody Jiangnan, what is that?
That is the chief guild of the top ten guilds!

In God's Domain, everyone knows it, everyone knows it!
But, didn't it mean that the president of the Scarlet Jiangnan Guild died within three months?

So now the president.

What kind of person can be the president of the Scarlet Jiangnan Guild? What about this position?
Everyone was thinking about who could be the president of the Scarlet Jiangnan Guild.

The man sitting next to the organizer stood up.

This person has a handsome face, but his appearance is not very outstanding.

It is the kind that cannot be found in the crowd.

His expression was indifferent, as if he was not very happy about the position of president.

He nodded slightly to the crowd as a greeting to them.

Kong Yi is his name.

Before he became the president, he was still an unknown ordinary guild member.

He joined the guild entirely for Fengshen.

Fengshen is his idol.

From the day Fengshen became famous, he has always been a fan of Fengshen.

However, what he didn't expect was.

After he passed the guild audit.

Fengshen suddenly disappeared one day.

This was a fatal blow to Kong Yi.

When I entered the guild, I came here for Fengshen.

But, now you tell me that Fengshen has retired? !

In order to get close to Fengshen, he also knew how difficult it was to get into the chief guild of Scarlet Jiangnan.

In the past, the Scarlet Jiangnan Guild recruited guild members every three months.

Each time, there are thousands of people participating in the examination review.

However, the guild only accepts ten.

One can imagine how difficult it is to stand out from the thousand people.

To this end, Kong trained himself six months in advance.

In order to be able to pass the first review.

"Mr. Kong, please!" The organizer made a gesture of invitation and said.

Kong Yi didn't move, but stretched out his hand to lightly tug on his tie.

It looked like they couldn't see the people present.

Looking at Kong Yi's casual and disapproving look.

Everyone was furious.

It's just that he became the president of the Scarlet Jiangnan Guild.

And that was only a recent seat.

Compared with the seat, I haven't settled down yet.

He dared to show embarrassment to them before he was seated securely.

The presidents were very annoyed.

The resentful eyes seemed to eat him up in the next moment.

Kong Yi didn't seem to see it.

He put his hands down and stuffed them into his trouser pockets.

(End of this chapter)

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