Chapter 303

The original name of w was Wink.

The original certification on Weibo was a core member of the No. [-] team of the Death God Guild.

and well-known professional players.

However, since he posted those strategy videos on Weibo,

His Weibo fans are increasing by [-] followers every day, and there is a constant upward trend.

However, few people know that the strategy video was published once on the Shenyu official forum before it was published on Weibo.

It was later posted on Weibo.

However, the Inspector was the first group of fans after Wink released the walkthrough video.

He was just a fan of videos at first.

Later, I gradually became a fan of the author.

Because these videos made by the author are really easy to understand, and his speaking voice is very soft.

Although his technique of operating the swordsman is a bit weird, it seems that he has added some other techniques into it,
A look is habitual.

Although it is not very obvious, professionals can see it at a glance.

Qin Jiujiu saw the inspector coming up excitedly, feeling like he was doing something.

She took a step back silently.

Inspectors are sharp-eyed,

Otherwise, how could he become an inspector!

Seeing Qin Jiujiu taking a small step back silently, he immediately lowered his hand pretending to be inadvertent.

He said with a smile: "W big! Nice to meet you! Welcome to our guild, although our guild is not as good as yours, our computer equipment here is low, the accommodation environment is poor, the food is not good, the guild The character of the members is slightly lower..."

Members of the onlookers: ...

Inspector, are you serious?
Aren't you loyal to the guild?
Those who are loyal to the guild, how could they belittle their own guild like this!
Qin Jiujiu couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth when he heard this.

How could anyone say that about their guild?

And it is also a core member of the guild.

If your guild is as you said.

Then those other ordinary guilds have to cry and faint in the toilet? !

"You are humble, I think it's good!" Qin Jiujiu said,

The inspector's eyes lit up, and he said, "Really?! Really?! Actually, I think so too!"

Qin Jiujiu: ...

Forget it, when I didn't say anything.

Onlookers guild members: ...

Inspector, I didn't expect you to be such an inspector!

"Is there anything else? If there is nothing else, can I continue training?" Qin Jiujiu said lightly.

Most of his family's w has spoken, as a fan, how can there be no reason not to listen? !

The inspector nodded repeatedly and said, "Of course, of course, of course you can continue!"

Then, he looked around at the members who were still watching.

Seeing them one or two, they blinked and looked at themselves.

With a loud roar, "Why are you just staring blankly?! Do you want me to turn on the computer for you? Do you still want to compete?!"

"Don't want to talk about the game earlier? Let's terminate the contract immediately. Anyway, our guild will lose you a lot!"

"It's not that you are indispensable!"

As soon as everyone heard the word "termination of the contract", they immediately scattered like birds and beasts, and dispersed in a hurry.

Can't wait to have a bunch of hot wheels on my feet,

They finally passed the review and entered the Glory Guild!
I don't want to be terminated by the guild at this time!

The inspector watched the members obediently training in their seats.

Only then did he look at Qin Jiujiu who was already sitting in his seat, his expression changed again.

"W big..."

Before the inspector finished speaking, Qin Jiujiu interrupted him unceremoniously.

Said: "If there is anything, we can talk about it after the training is over. Now this time is training time."

"I hope to use the training time to talk about meaningless things."

(End of this chapter)

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