Chapter 31

It seems that when someone asks me to take him in the future, they have to take a screenshot in advance, otherwise the refresh will fail, and they will say that I took him to clear the level.

Really, I am obviously a scammer, and I still don't allow others to talk about him.

[Peerless Fenghua]: So what if there is, so what if there is no?

[Hoe Harvest Day at Noon]: It seems that you have no evidence.

[Surfing the River During the Qingming Festival]: Heh, you actually slandered us. It seems that you are toasting and not eating fine wine.

[Shiman]: What's the point of talking to her, go directly, and the fairy-level weapon will definitely explode.

[Surfing the River During the Qingming Festival]: Manman, we must be civilized citizens, don't fight and kill all day long, this will affect the image of our guild.

So, is this a memorial archway even after being a prostitute? ? ?

[Peerless Fenghua]: Stop talking nonsense, are you all on it?Or one by one?

[Shiman]: Do you need everything to deal with you?I am enough alone!
[Shiman] After posting this message, he immediately activated his skills on Jue Dai Fenghua, and the people in the surrounding guilds stayed away, for fear of affecting him.

The one named [Shiman] is a female paladin, half nurse and half warrior.

That is to say, if her blood volume decreases during the battle, she can add blood to herself.

However, the blood volume is not as thick as that of a battle mage, and it looks like half a crispy skin.

Feng Xiaoxiao sighed helplessly, why did they go up one by one?

Wasting my time, you know?

The two sides fought, and the weapons clashed with crisp sounds, and the two sometimes dodged to each other's backs. (The back of the character is the blind spot)
Several times, the Paladin's sword almost stabbed the battle mage, but the battle mage quickly avoided it.

This had to make the paladin concentrate.

The battle mage cleverly dodged the paladin's skills with a dodge, and then continued to move to avoid other skills.

Seeing the battle mage getting closer and closer to him, the paladin couldn't help feeling a little panicked.

Didn't the president say that this battle mage's skills are not good?

Why do I feel that she is playing better than myself? No, it should be several times.

Suddenly, the Paladin's screen was frozen for two seconds, and when she turned her head again, her character was lying on the ground like a corpse.

[Shiman] Slapped the keyboard and cursed "Damn" a few times.

What a broken computer!

At the critical moment, the chain fell off and got stuck!

The battle mage pointed the point of his tassel spear at the paladin's face, but pointed his head toward where they had been at noon on hoe-day.

[Peerless Fenghua]: What, is there anyone who refuses to accept it?You see, everyone said that you are all going to go, but if you don't listen, you have to be brave and let only one go.

[Peerless Fenghua]: There is still a chance now, you all take it!I'm in a hurry.

[The Picture of Riverside During the Qingming Festival]: Peerless elegance, don't get complacent too early!Since you said to let us all go, then we should be respectful rather than obedient, and then don't say that we surrounded and beat you.

Feng Xiaoxiao sneered, do you think everyone is like you?

[Peerless Fenghua]: I am not you, to be so shameless.I can't do it.

At noon on the day of hoeing and on the river map during the Qingming Festival, the people who led the guilds rushed up to beat Jue Dai Fenghua.

And Peerless Fenghua has already been prepared, and the war between the two sides is imminent.

And at this time, untimely news came.

[World] System: The guild [Qingzuilou] launched a guild challenge to the guild [God Killer], and asked the [God Killer] guild leader whether to accept it.

(End of this chapter)

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