Chapter 327

[The anchor really told you to quit the guild and the e-sports circle? ! 】

[Anchor, you must not quit the e-sports circle at this time!Your team has advanced to the finals of the district competition!If you quit the guild at this time, wouldn't all your previous efforts be wasted? ! 】

【That's right!How can it be said that e-sports is not doing business properly? !E-sports is regulated by the state, and it is a legitimate profession!Anchor, tell me!Who made you quit the e-sports circle!Let's go and preach to her! 】

[That's right, let him know that e-sports has a certificate issued by the state! 】

Qian Qiuhan looked at the comments on the comment area.

He was very happy to see so many fans speak up for him.

"You guys made a mistake. No one asked me to quit the e-sports circle, and no one asked me to quit the guild, but I still have to thank you." Qian Qiuhan said with a smile.

[I just said, how could it be... I seem to hear the phone ringing again, is it your call again, the anchor? 】

[I'm afraid it is, I feel that the anchor has a lot of phone calls today, which makes me unable to concentrate on watching the anchor's game. 】

【Upstairs, it's not your competition, why do you need to concentrate! 】

[Hey, the upstairs must be the keyboard man, no need to explain, explaining is covering up, covering up is the truth. 】


Someone: ...

What the hell? !
I just said something, when did you become a keyboard warrior? !
Don't just give me a nickname, okay? !

I am very unhappy! !

Qian Qiuhan felt the phone on the table start to vibrate again.

It seems that my mother is still not giving up.

Why do you always think about getting him out of the guild?

Do they like to control themselves so much?

I am not their puppet, I am a human being, born free.

Not a tool of manipulation.

Qian Qiuhan took the phone and glanced at it.

It's Qiu's father's name.

Qianju noon.

It is said that at noon, he was born in the guest house.

Grandpa and grandma couldn't think of any nice name, so they chose this name.

Qian Qiuhan couldn't bear to look directly at this name.

What a strange name!
Sure enough, his own name sounds better.

Qian Qiuhan just glanced at it and immediately hung up the phone.

My mother came over to dissuade me, but my father wanted to come over to dissuade me.

Do you really think you are still the same person you used to be?

Don't think so naively!

He won't listen to what they say!

He wants to compete! !
He wants to win the national championship!

He wants to prove it!

E-sports is not a nonsense!

Rather, it is a legitimate profession!
The other side where Qianqiu hung up the phone was Qiu's father's side.

He looked at the phone displayed on the phone that was hung up by the other party, and cursed involuntarily, "shit!"

What should I do now!
The other party requested that as long as his son quit the e-sports circle and the guild.

They will agree to cooperate with themselves.

However, his son doesn't answer his calls at all now, and even if he doesn't answer, he hangs up the phone.

How can he contact his son like this!

Moreover, his son is not at home now, and he does not know which guild his son is in.

Otherwise, it might be too late to find his son now.

what! !

How could he do such a thing!
【what?Why doesn't the anchor answer the phone? 】

[Hmph, it's not because of embarrassment, we told you right!In fact, if the anchor admits it, it's fine. 】

[Why do I always feel that the tone upstairs is gloating?The anchor quit the e-sports circle, and you seem very happy to quit the guild. You don't belong to that kind of guild, do you? 】

[Maybe, if they register and withdraw from the guild, they will have one less competitor. 】

(End of this chapter)

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