Chapter 33 Joining the Guild
[World] Fuyao: Where are they? ?Ask for coordinates! !hurry up!Otherwise, the reward amount will be someone else's!

[World] There is a piece of green above the head: I have already hunted and killed the day of hoeing, and there is still a picture of going up the river during the Qingming Festival, which I will send you off.

[World] Fuyao: The coordinates! !Dear! !
[World] There is a piece of green above the head: coordinates [156, 258] at the entrance of the wild map [Long Moon Beast].

[World] Fuyao: Thanks, brother!
Then, I saw a female Shadow Moon Assassin with [Fuyao] on her head rushing over.

As soon as he saw the picture of Shanghe during the Qingming Festival, without saying a word, he directly activated his skills and killed all directions.

However, a magician who needs to sing is no match for the agile Shadowmoon Assassin.

In less than 5 minutes, the Qingming Riverside Picture was lying on the ground just like the noon of the day of hoeing.

It's just that she wasn't as lucky as Hoe He Ri Dang Wu, and the S-level equipment on her body was exposed.

Shadowmoon Assassin didn't even look at her, he picked up the equipment on the ground, turned around, and walked away in a hurry.

[World] System: The missions of rewarding [Weeding Harvest Day at Noon] and [Surfing the River During the Qingming Festival] have been completed, and the amount of the reward has been distributed.

[God Killing] The members of the guild saw that their president and vice president were killed within 10 minutes, and they all stayed away, fearing that it would affect themselves.

In front of the screen, Hoe He Ri Dang Wu's face was contorted because of anger.

The hand on the keyboard was clenched tightly, the veins stood out clearly, and the eyes suddenly turned red.

Deceiving too much! !
It's just too deceiving! !
[Nearby] Noon on the day of hoeing: So what if the peerless elegance is your master? !She is not a member of your guild, what qualifications do you have to help her? !

When Yi Shuihan saw the news, he frowned slightly. What's the matter with this man's three views?

What happened to me helping my master?
I help my master, I am happy!
[Private chat] Shuitiao Getou whispers to you: Master, I invite you to join the guild later, please agree.

Feng Xiaoxiao, who was eating watermelon and watching a play, saw this message, and a random system popped up a message asking her to join the guild.

Without even thinking about it, Feng Xiaoxiao clicked agree.

After all, my cheap apprentices have helped me so much, and I won't lose a piece of meat when I join a guild.

"Great, finally let Goddess Xiao Xiao join the guild."

Yi Shuihan slapped the table, his eyes were shining brightly, and he said excitedly.

The nearby team members held their foreheads speechlessly. It turned out that he was the vice president's favorite.

No wonder they were sent to hunt down and kill the people from the [God Killing] guild.

Yi Shuihan raised his head and saw them looking over, his face immediately changed, his eyes swept sharply, and he said, "What are you looking at, the task is finished?"

"No no!!"

The team members are well aware of the vice-chairman's routine. If they finish, they will definitely assign another task, and the task will be doubled.

"No?! No, I'm still looking around. Is it because there are too few tasks?!" Yi Shuihan looked around, and continued: "Since there are too few tasks, I will double today's tasks. If you don't finish before dinner, you will be all Don't even think about eating!"

The team members were dumbfounded, why the routine changed again.

The team members want to cry but have no tears, what should I do if the vice president's routine is too deep? !

"Still watching!? Do you still want to eat?!" Seeing that they were still staring at him, Yi Shuihan sternly shouted.

After being so drunk, the team members suddenly came to their senses, staring fiercely at the screen like hungry wolves.

(End of this chapter)

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