Chapter 339

A light tea fragrance hits the nostrils.

A sarcasm flashed in Qin Jiujiu's eyes.


When Qin Jiujiu was still in the wind, he liked the fragrance of tea very much.

There are all kinds of tea at home all the time.

Even the perfume is the smell of various teas.

The tea that Qin Jiujiu smells now is the tip of snowy mountains.

This is a high-grade tea, which is said to be owned by the royal family in the past.

Moreover, there are not many tea leaves.

Those who can get this kind of tea are none other than the emperor's cronies, or the emperor's favorite concubine.

Now, she actually smelled the snow-capped mountains on Ji Xifan's team uniform.

Speaking of it, it's really a kind of irony.

Without further ado, Qin Jiujiu put on his team uniform, turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait, I'll go back with you." Ji Xi said back.

Qin Jiujiu paused for a moment before nodding.

Ji Xi borrowed the team uniform for her to wear, if he was not allowed to accompany him.

I'm afraid Ji Xifan will make up his mind at that time, and it won't matter if Ji Xifan follows.

When the time comes, go into the bathroom to change by yourself.

Fortunately, I have the foresight.

At that time, Qin Jiujiu specially stuffed a pack of sanitary napkins in his suitcase just in case.

Otherwise, Qin Jiujiu didn't know what to use as a cushion.

Paper towels are out of the question.

Besides, paper towels are so thin.

I'm afraid that in an hour, I will have to go to the toilet once.

"Do you need my help?" After the two of them entered the room, Ji Xi looked back at her busy schedule and said uncontrollably.

Ask Ji Xi to help?

Qin Jiujiu wouldn't be so stupid!


Are you serious?

He actually said he wanted to help.

Please, are you out of your mind?

This is a man's ass!
You actually said you were going to drug a man's ass!

No one will believe you if you say it.

Facial paralysis like you.

Qin Jiujiu hurriedly shook his head and said, "No, no, don't bother President Ji, I can handle it myself. By the way, I will clean the uniforms for you. If you think they are dirty, I will customize them..."

"No need, just wash the team uniform." Ji Xifan said coldly.


Boss, where did I offend you again?
How can your complexion change?

You can't flip through books so fast!
"Then, what should you do, President Ji? I heard that your guild seems to have to wear official uniforms, but now your clothes have..."

"Don't worry, I still have other team uniforms," ​​Ji Xi looked at her blankly, and continued, "Keep busy, if you're done, you don't have to go to the training room,"

Hearing that she didn't have to go to the training room, Qin Jiujiu was a little anxious.

There is less than a week before the competition, how could she not participate in training? !
"But, I..."

"Is your life more important or the game? It's just a game. Even if you don't go to training, with your skills, your team can still advance to the Central Division."

The underlying meaning of Ji Xifan's words is that whether your guild trains or not, according to your guild's current strength.

It is [-]% possible to advance to the Central District Competition.

So, you should honestly give me a rest!

This is an order, another form of concern, and a means to prevent her from training.


How great.

What a calculation in seconds.

Kill three birds with one stone.

It seems that his methods are still a little immature.

"Since President Ji said so, then I'd rather be respectful than obedient."

After Ji Xi left, Qin Jiujiu hurried to change.

She can feel the rushing flow now.

It's a pity that I didn't bring brown sugar, it was a bit of a miscalculation.

Fortunately, however, did not take.

Otherwise, if he sees it, I'm afraid I will become suspicious again.

(End of this chapter)

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