Chapter 360

They can also be professional e-sports players a long time ago, okay?
They played this game very quickly, it took less than ten minutes, to be precise, less than 15 minutes.

They won.

According to this time, they can continue.

However, Ji Xifan only let them play a few more rounds, and then let them go back to their rooms to rest.
"Thank you, President Ji, for taking care of me these few days." Qin Jiujiu bowed back to Ji Xi and said.

Later, I saw Ji Xifan still standing.

A member of Team Glory.

That handsome face that was still smiling, "And you."

Wen Zhongliang went up to hug Qin Jiujiu, his voice was choked up: "I'm very glad to know each other, I'm very happy these days,"

Suddenly, his expression became firm, "However, I won't let you go during the competition just because of this!"

"Of course, I won't let you go."

After saying goodbye one by one, Qin Jiujiu got into the exclusive car of the Death God Guild.

Originally, Ji Xifan planned to use their guild's car to send Qin Jiujiu back.

However, the Reaper Guild is one step ahead.

To be precise, the car from the Death God Guild came early.

The speed was too fast, as if to tell Qin Jiujiu to leave this ghost place quickly.

"Welcome home."

Moderately thick red lips rippling with a dazzling smile.

Qin Jiujiu was in a trance for a while.

It took a long time to come back to God, "Thank you."

Its meaning is unknown.

The car drove slowly on the road, "It's been a long time for you these few days."

Qin Jiujiu shook his head and said, "No, this is what I should do."

She is a member of the Death Guild, since the Death Guild will be in trouble.

Of course she had to do something for the guild.

It's just an exchange activity, as long as you are careful, it doesn't have to be like this.

In fact, Qin Jiujiu was still somewhat desolate.

Ji Xifan's character and temper are not what they used to be.

You don't know when he will appear suddenly and inexplicably, and suddenly get angry again.

This point made Qin Jiujiu a little puzzled.

Qin Jiujiu took the coat handed over by Yi Shuihan.

Although, the weather is starting to get colder now.

The car also has heating, but it is better to pay attention to it.

Qin Jiujiu skillfully put on his coat, and it turned out that his guild's uniform was the most comfortable to wear.

Wearing the uniforms of their Glory team, they always feel a bit cold.

After Qin Jiujiu zipped it up and put on the blindfold, it was obvious that she was going to sleep.

Yi Shuihan sat aside, watching her series of movements with gentle eyes.

I wish you could be treated with tenderness by the world.

my girl.

However, the reality is skinny.

The best thing for you is yourself.

Unless, that person really loves you.

I love you more than I love myself.

But, my girl, I just want you to be well.

However, since you want to do that.

I will definitely do my best for you.

You have to remember that the one standing behind you is always only me.

However, it is also me who stands in front of you, guards you, and blocks all obstacles for you.

I, was born, just for you.

my girl.

Maybe the person sitting next to her was Yi Shuihan, or maybe the person sitting next to her was a member of the Death Guild.

This gave Qin Jiujiu a sense of security.

She fell asleep quickly.

Logically speaking, guilds have strict schedules.

Because they spend a lot of time in training every day.

The rest of the time is spent on meals or other trivial matters.

The rest of the time is their rest time.

The time to sleep at night is a fixed six to eight hours of sleep.

Only sleep for four or five hours unless there are special circumstances.

(End of this chapter)

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