Chapter 391

"Don't make a fuss, last time when Qiuqiu played in the back row, I saw him also use the full version of the butterfly step!"

"That's right, my family, An'an, has also used the full version of the Butterfly Walk."

"However, the shooter's continuous use seems to be broken?"

Sure enough, it is worthy of the full version of Butterfly Walk.

Straight out of the shooter's range.

That's not something everyone can do.

The shooter who is disconnected will start the cooldown time.

And next to him is a magician, who is an auxiliary type, although there are some wizards mixed in.

However, what is the use of eggs.

Without a hero with high attack power, the only end is death.

Moreover, these two game characters are still crispy.

Within five seconds, the shooter and magician were taken away.

After a two-on-one swordsman fight, there shouldn't be much blood left.

However, now the audience sees the amount of blood on the head of the little swordsman brother.

From the original residual blood, back to the state of full blood!
what's the situation? !

Two against one, even with a double kill, the swordsman brother shouldn't have so much HP!
My God, my world view has been refreshed again.

The mage and archer, as well as the battle mage, were all taken out by the swordsman.

Not counting other people, the three-on-three situation can be said to be annihilated.

Kong Yi, who was thinking about letting his teammates leave not long ago, saw this, and he no longer knew how to describe it.

It seems that they still have to train their consciousness well.

Have to train their speed.

The most important thing is hand speed.

And mine.

If you want to win the national championship, this skill is simply not enough.

Let's not talk about whether we can win the national championship.

If you can't even defeat the ordinary members of the Reaper team, what are you talking about about the national championship?
The operation skills of the members of the Reaper team have become like this, let alone their captain?

However, when did Qin Jiujiu's hand speed become so fast?

According to the last data, isn't Qin Jiujiu's average hand speed 160?
How did it become 170 now?

Could it be that his hand speed in the game is actually hidden?

Didn't show your true strength?
If this is the case, then Qin Jiujiu is in trouble.

After all, without real data, they don't know how to deal with it.

What if I make a mistake?
This is not worth the loss.

At this time, the pawn line in the middle has been pressed to the red side.

The red side is the side where Qin Jiujiu is.

When the audience thought that the swordsman brother would go to clean up the line of troops.

Qin Jiujiu's next move shocked their world view again.

Why is the swordsman brother always uneasy about playing cards?
"What is he doing?! The line of soldiers is going to be pushed to the small town!"

"Wait! This direction! Little Brother Swordsman isn't going to fight again, is he?"

"This is very possible! I always feel that the swordsman brother likes to go to the opposite jungle to take the wild, and when he takes the wild, he will get back a few heads by the way! The kind that is not given away!"

Qin Jiujiu went to the wild area opposite, and he was indeed going to take the wild.

The audience, however, was right.

Only half right.

"Goodbye then."

When Qin Jiujiu uttered such a sentence suddenly, the people who could only watch the live broadcast were stunned.

What do you mean?
Why say goodbye to them?

The audience didn't understand, but Kong Yi understood.


Kong Yi looked at the time.

Only 9 minutes have passed.

He sent this message, which meant that the game was over.

And it's over in 5 minutes.

This is the term between their guilds.

Anyone who is an official guild member will understand this sentence.

"This means that the game is about to end, not to you, but to the Scarlet Jiangnan Guild."

A comment popped up in Ruoda's comment area that didn't match their conversation.

(End of this chapter)

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