Chapter 449

Because the host looks the same to him.

It was no different from the usual opening remarks, and the narrator confirmed it even more.

"I really didn't expect that the team with the number ten is actually the Glory team. The Glory team came prepared this time. I don't know how the Fenglai team will deal with it."

In fact, the Fenglai team was not originally named this way.

The original name of the Fenglai team was the Style team. It is said that they changed the name of the team to Fenglai because of the sudden death of Fengshen.

The meaning of the wind itself is that the wind god returns.

Many people know that most members of the Fenglai team like Fengshen.

Some even enshrine Fengshen as a god.

It's just that I don't know what Qin Jiujiu's expression will be when he finds out.

Team Style changed its name to Team Fenglai because they believed that it was absolutely impossible for Fengshen to die so easily.

They believed that Fengshen would come back one day.

That's why they changed their name to Team Fenglai.

The commentator took the host's words and said: "I think the best way is to protect the Shadow Moon Assassin. After all, although the damage value of the Shadow Moon Assassin is high, but the blood volume is fragile. If you can protect the Shadow Moon Assassin In the late stage, the Fenglai team might be able to win the round."

"That's right, the rhythm in the early stage can't be messed up. Even if their operation skills are at the level of professional players, they still have to follow the normal rhythm, otherwise it will be difficult to come back in the later stage." The host said.

The narrator was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the host who had changed would know this.

He also thought that most hosts only knew superficial consciousness.

Soon, the narrator returned to normal.

After all, it would be rude not to speak for so long.

"However, there is no need to worry. After all, the Fenglai team has two battle mages. Presumably, there should be no major problems in protecting a Shadow Moon Assassin until the later stage."

"Even if there are two battle mages, I think it's better for the Fenglai team to be more careful... Well, our team members have already entered the positioning match." The host retorted.

The narrator shook his head secretly when he heard what the host said.

The basic common sense of the host is still too little.

Shadowmoon Assassin is a professional player, how could a professional player not know this.

If he doesn't even know this, how can he play the game.

Besides, if you don't even know this, ordinary guilds won't play him, let alone Fenglai, one of the top ten guilds.

After the location matching is locked, it's time for them to start the war.

Ji Xifan's character design is high-cold and abstinent. In this society, there are still many girls who like high-cold boys.

After all, in their view, the boy who looks very cold on the surface is actually just cold and sullen.

The host took a fancy to this, and quickly pointed the camera at Ji Xifan's profile.

With an indifferent and clear side face, looking at the computer with deep eyes, a light aura radiates in all directions.

The fans in the auditorium were screaming.

"Ahhh! So handsome! Although Xiao Shen is very cold, I will go to warm him! Xiao Shen! Here I come!"

"Go away! Don't touch my God Xiao with your dirty hands! Besides, could you touch God Xiao?"

"What? Xiao Shen, is it possible that you can touch it? Come on, let's wipe your saliva first before talking."

"God Xiao, look at me, look at me!"

"It seems that Xiao Shen's popularity is still as high as ever." The host said with a smile.

The commentator at the side silently glanced at him. According to the regulations, it is not yet possible to close-up a certain member of any team.

Moreover, the director did not mean to blame the host.

(End of this chapter)

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