Chapter 482

That's the best thing, after all, he doesn't bother to change weapons.

However, what surprised Ji Xixiu was that.

I didn't expect that in a room I entered casually, there were people with purple weapons.

Because Purple Weapon is now out of print.

Even if you give gold to Shenyu, Shenyu may not necessarily buy it for you.

Therefore, it is conceivable that those who own purple weapons are either experienced hardcore players or have no humanity.

Qi Kexiu: "No problem."

Coco Ann: "Then, please give me your advice."

With that said, their game characters entered the arena.

An Yiyang live broadcast room.

Competing in the arena is also a task of training.

As a professional player of the guild, it is not necessary to play pk matches or qualifying matches.

Sometimes it is necessary to go to dungeons, wild maps, and arenas to train yourself.

Therefore, An Yiyang deliberately took this time to go to the arena.

I knew earlier that not everyone can enter the arena.

The condition for entering the arena, and the most important condition, is hand speed.

Only when the hand speed reaches 140 five can you enter the arena.

I knew earlier that the hand speed of ordinary players is generally between 120 and [-].

If it can reach 130, it means that this person has the potential to become a professional player.

To become a professional player, the hand speed must be at least 150.

It is conceivable that gamers who can enter the arena are either professional players or quasi-professional players.

So, when An Yiyang's fans saw the name of their little angel's opponent, how could they rest?

"How can you rest?? Isn't this cursing? He came in on purpose, and he didn't come in to indirectly scold our little angel An'an, right?"

"I don't think it's possible. If I had known this unbelievable weapon was a purple weapon, and I didn't see any medals on his head, and his level has reached level 72! What kind of concept is this?! This is A level only for veteran players! I knew that God's Domain is very strict about cheating!"

"That's right, it's impossible to hack in the God's Domain. Of course, if your skills are good, you can say it. However, you may be poached by the God's Domain. That can break the God's Domain firewall! It's a great god! Let it go."

"Wait! You guys seem to be digressing?! Why don't you stop, why does this name look so familiar?"

An Yiyang said: "How can you stop this? The world system has notified you just now, and it has been notified more than once, so it is normal for you to feel familiar."

"I've read more than the World System Bulletin. It looks familiar. Didn't you realize that this game character is a battle mage. With such a high level, he will definitely have a place on the leaderboard."

"Upstairs, I checked the leaderboard just now, guess what I saw?!"

"What did you see?! Damn it! How can you rest?! How can you rest!! I said why does it look so familiar!! It turns out that it is the No.2 master of the comprehensive ranking list! I see little angel An An this time The competitive odds of winning in the arena will be slim.”

"What?! It's actually Qi Kexiu?! Is that really Qi Kexiu?! It can't be fake?! I knew Qi Kexiu but I haven't been back for two years! I wonder if someone's name is pretending to be Qi Kexiu Eye-catching."

An Yiyang said calmly: "If he is real, how can we rest?"

An Yiyang didn't expect that the first person he met after the central competition was actually the second battle mage in the overall ranking.

An Yiyang didn't know how sure he was in this competition.

(End of this chapter)

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