The national god of online games is a girl

Chapter 77 Ning Caichen Falls from the Sky

Chapter 77 Ning Caichen Falls from the Sky

The white-faced scholar supported his waist, and stood up slowly, "Fuck, when did there be so many people?!"

Crowd: ...

We've been here all right? !
He just didn't look up at us.

Moreover, a game character can actually speak foul language! !
From the planning department!Come here!Let's talk about life! !

Oh no, talk about ideals!

That's not right, it's just talking about brain holes! !


"Hey? Did you fall from the top too? How long has it been since you fell?"

Seeing that none of them spoke, I thought they were sad and couldn't go back.

Spontaneously comforted: "I know you must be very homesick now, but this place is too high from the top, and it is impossible to climb up."

"But your waist doesn't seem to be hurt! How did you fall?"

"When I was picking herbs, I never thought that the stone would be unstable, so I accidentally dropped it."


How could this man talk on his own?

We don't even want to hear you talk!
Also, can you pull the grass off your head before talking, or it will be uncomfortable to watch.

The white-faced scholar talked for a full 10 minutes, if it wasn't for the green on the top of his head, he couldn't bear it, so he slapped him.

I don't know how much longer he will talk!

The white-faced scholar held his swollen cheeks, tears were about to flow out of his eyes, but he didn't flow out.

With red eyes, he choked up and said: "Girl, you are too violent! You can't find such violence..."

The green face on the top of his head glanced at him expressionlessly, "Huh?!"

The white-faced scholar trembled and shuddered, but he didn't say the last three words.

If he said it, he felt that he might die a terrible death.

Maybe there will be no bones left.

Hey, this young lady is terrible, I want to go home·()·

Cang Mang looked down at him condescendingly, and said, "Little white face, what's your name?"

The reason why it is said to be condescending is because the white-faced scholar is squatting on the ground.

The white-faced scholar raised his head and glanced at Cang Kuang Mang, and after confirming that he was not as fierce as the green patch above his head, he said.

"My name is Ning Caichen. I don't know how to call this young master."

Ning Caichen...

Why does it feel so familiar? !

Peerless Fenghua suddenly realized, "This is not the book "Strange Tales from a Liaozhai Studio" written by Pu Songling! Ning Caichen! Nie Xiaoqian! Grandma!"

After she said this, everyone thought of it and said why it is so familiar!
It turned out to be a character from Strange Tales from a Liaozhai Studio!

But why is this sister Xiaoqian messing with Ji! !
Isn't it said that Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian are a natural match?
From the planning department!Say!Why do you want to tear people apart! ?
What did they do to you?

However, Ning Caichen looked confused, what's going on?
What is Strange Tales from a Liaozhai Studio?
It sounds like a book.

Who is Nie Xiaoqian?

Why do we say that we are a natural pair, a pair on the ground?
Besides, I have never seen her, so I don't even know what she looks like.

As a curious baby, he stretched out his hand and tugged at the sleeves of the vast expanse, and asked with a blank face: "Young master, you haven't told me your name yet!"

"And, who is Nie Xiaoqian?!"

Boundless and still in a daze, she now admires the brains of the planning department, even thinking that Xiaoqian's younger sister is a concubine.

Impatiently, she flicked her sleeves lightly, pointed at Sister Xiaoqian standing behind Shuidiao Getou, and said, "Here, that is Sister Xiaoqian."


  Title: "Quick Transmigration System: Sick Man and God Too Sick"

  Author: lonely like wine

(End of this chapter)

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