Chapter 102 I already knew it

"I don't think she was wronged, maybe my brother-in-law was wronged." Yao Yi said so suddenly. ??Yao's mother didn't pay attention, and took Yao Yi's words. "That's right." Yao Bi rolled her eyes helplessly. Are these all her family members?Why did one and two help that stinky man talk? What kind of medicine did he give them? "Are you my family or his family?" "What nonsense, you are my daughter. Just because you are my daughter, I know your temperament very well." Yao Bi had a mournful face, pitiful Xi Xi looked at Yao's mother.Lang Lang looked at this and that with a pair of eyes, and said seriously: "My daddy is out with other beauties. Mommy and I went to catch them that day." Lang Lang has always grown up abroad. Can speak but the pronunciation is not very accurate.Talking a little lamely made Jingyu want to laugh a little. ?Mother Yao's face was very ugly when she heard such words, but Yao Yi smiled disapprovingly. "Don't be childish for a while, maybe there is some misunderstanding." "Yes, sister, maybe brother-in-law has some difficulties. It's better to say what you and your wife have." Jing Yu also began to persuade. ? Yao Bi bit her lip, obviously a little loose.Everyone knows to persuade her not to move—not to say anything. ? After eating, Jing Yu walked into Yao Si's study with the tea prepared by the scary person. Yao Si raised his head to look at Jingju when he heard the door ring, and said with a smile, "Come here, come and sit down quickly." He pointed to the seat opposite him, and looked at Jingju lovingly. ?She walked over, put the tea in front of Yao Si and said, "Dad, have a sip of tea first."? Yao Si looked at the cup of tea without moving. In his impression, his son and his daughter He never gave him a cup of tea, only this daughter-in-law made people feel warm like never before.His own children are not close to him, so he cannot be close to them either.Jingyu treats him well, so he and Jingyu get closer.In any case, this is the child he grew up with, and Jing Yu is more like a child of their family in his heart. ? "Just let the servants do these things, and you don't have to be busy in the future. Sit down and Dad has something to tell you." ? Jingyu sat opposite him, waiting for his next words. "Xiao Yu, do you know why you got married?" Yao Si said directly to her without beating around the bush. "Isn't it because our company has problems? You let me marry in to help our family get through the difficulties." Although she knew that was the answer, she was still very unsure.She thought about it carefully and seemed to think there was something wrong. Yao Si shook his head and said with a smile: "No." "That's because the two families are married." Yao Si continued to shake his head, "No. If it's just a marriage, I prefer Jingming." "Then why is that dad?" She asked such words without confidence. ? Jingyu can feel that Yao Si really wants to be a good father.He was still very nervous about Yao Yi in his heart, but why, since he cared so much about Yao Yi, why didn't he show it.What's even more strange is that they seem to be enemies.Did something happen between them?Ten thousand doubts were floating around in Jingyu's head. "So you know it too, but it was just a childhood joke. He has already forgotten such a thing, and I don't care so much now." She lowered her eyes to hide the sadness in her eyes, but Yao Temple still quickly snapped. "Stupid child, he has been looking for you all these years. I only found out about it after hearing from your father." I already knew about these things, and Yao Yi probably also knew about such things.

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(End of this chapter)

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