Chapter 104 Why Are You Crying?

"I know what you like and what you don't like, but I just can't know your heart. I have been trying to walk into your life for two years, but unfortunately, I can't do it." Thinking of her past days I couldn't help but shed tears. Ten years is neither long nor short. I wonder which woman would wait for a man for ten years without hesitation. ?Yao Yi let go of her, seeing the tears on her face, his heart ached, and at the same time, a strange feeling flashed in his heart.Unconsciously, she reached out to wipe her tears, and said softly, "Why are you crying, why are you crying?" Only then did she realize that she had lost her composure, and quickly wiped away the tears on her face. "It's okay, I just remembered some bad things."? "Is there anything so bad that it makes you cry when you think about it?" He had to say that being a woman is really good. If you are not happy, you will tears.It's a pity that he can't, since he was eight years old, he hasn't shed a single tear, it's not that he can't but he doesn't dare.Because he knew from a very young age that as long as he was weak, no one would be strong for him.That's why he vowed to make himself stronger, and held back not to let himself shed a single tear. ? They didn't know how they got back to the room that night.They wake up remembering just how crazy last night was. ? In the coffee shop, when Jing Yu arrived, she saw a woman sitting there waiting for her.She walked over, sat down, and asked the waiter for a cup of coffee. "Miss Shen, I don't know what you asked me to do today?" Jing Yu said lightly. ?The woman sitting opposite is Shen Shanshan. She is the daughter of the Shen Group and one of the people beside Yao Yi.It is said that before Qian Yirou appeared, she was the most favored one around Yao Yi.She has never had any contact with these women, and she was asked out today for no reason, and she didn't know what the intention was. ?Shen Shanshan looked her up and down showing a hint of disdain. No wonder Yao Yi didn't like this woman. She was a lot of people who could be caught on the street. "Miss Lin is a smart person, and Shanshan won't beat around the bush with you anymore. I want you to join hands with me to pull that Qian Yirou away from Yao Yi." Rou has so much hatred that she actually wants to deal with her.Maybe it means that Shen Shanshan has hatred not only with Qian Yirou, but with all the women around Yao Yi.Qian Yirou will probably be her next. "Hehe, then tell me what benefits I have, or what I can get?" She was playing with the cup in her hand while talking.In the past two years of marrying into Yao's family, everyone thought she was a soft persimmon, but in fact, it was just that she endured it for Yao Yi's sake. "Naturally, it's your benefit. Isn't your position more stable after you got rid of your rival in love?" Shen Shanshan continued to coax. "You got rid of a rival in love, right?" She wasn't very smart, but she wasn't a fool either, and she had no way to take advantage of her. ? Shen Shanshan's expression changed when she heard such words. She didn't expect that Lin Jingju was not stupid at all. It seemed that the rumors outside were indeed false. "Lin Jingyu, don't make a toast and don't eat fine wine. If it weren't for the fact that you are Yi's current wife, I wouldn't want to look for you. You really think you are something."? The past two years of being neglected by Yao Yi are so ugly She has already heard what she said, and she has been deceiving herself as if she hadn't heard anything.It seems that I really did something wrong before. If you tolerate some people, she will think that she is afraid. "I think you are crazy about liking Yao Yi, but your efforts are in vain. Anyway, I am also the woman he is marrying, and you are not even a second, third, or fourth position." She is very cowardly, that's just To Yao Yi alone.If other people want to get her, she is not so easy to handle.From now on, Lin Jingju will live a good life for herself.

(End of this chapter)

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