Chapter 114 Sullen (6)

Yao Yi didn't come back until a week after he left, and Jingju's life is still going well these days.Anyway, that's how she used to be.Every day, I either hide in my room to write a book or watch TV, or I just sit in the backyard for a while, staring at the flowers I planted in a daze, sometimes for an entire afternoon.

When Yao Yi came back, she was sitting on the sofa embroidering cross-stitch. It was a coincidence that she hadn't shown this cross-stitch photo for a long time, and the scene on it was her and Yao Yi's wedding photo.She made ten sheets, and now there are only two or three sheets left to be embroidered.

When she saw Yao Yi suddenly in the living room, she was slightly taken aback and returned to her original state, putting away her cross-stitch.Seeing that familiar figure, Yao Yi's heart settled down.He went on a business trip the next day after he went out that day, and he didn't come back until today.During his business trip, she was always in his mind, especially the way she was crying that day, and the sad eyes hurt his heart again and again.Every time he did this, he felt as if he had done something wrong and felt more and more guilty towards her.

During this period, he also found other women, but she couldn't get rid of her appearance in his mind.He thought that he treated her a little differently, or that he was greedy for the warmth she brought him.

After Yao Yi came in, Li Qianqian, his wife and Yao Wei, and the three of them saw Jingyu walking up to her happily and said, "Jingyu, I'm here to play with you. What are you doing here?" She saw As soon as she took the cross stitch, she started to look at it.Jingyu originally wanted to stop her, but she opened it before Li Qianqian had time, so she had no choice but to give up.

"This is your wedding photo. I didn't expect these to be made into cross-stitch. They are so beautiful. I want to make one too." Li Qianqian chattered as soon as she opened it, as if she saw something interesting. .Her voice was loud enough to call the other three men over.Yao Yi also came over, Jing Yu quickly folded it up, and lowered her head unnaturally.

Yao Yi couldn't help turning black when he saw it. Does he look so scary?Every time I saw him, the originally playful smile disappeared.Is he a scourge, or is he very scary, why does she seem to be very scared every time.

"What good things did you collect, can't you even show me?"

Li Qianqian opened her mouth to speak first, and Jing Yu suddenly said, "No, I don't know if it looks good if it's not finished yet. I'll show you next time when I finish it."

In fact, it was almost finished, and she didn't know what happened, but she just didn't want to show him.Although it was all for Yao Yi in the first place, I really hope he can see it someday.It's just that now she suddenly doesn't think about it anymore, and she still doesn't have the slightest expectation in her heart.

Li Qianqian looked at her puzzled, of course she knew that this was just an excuse for Jingzhu, why didn't Yao Yi see her so beautiful?Besides, she could clearly feel that she wanted him to see it. This woman is really awkward, she obviously likes her and doesn't express it.It should be said that both of them are very awkward. Seeing them like this is like before she and Yu Bin.At that time, they were also very awkward, but fortunately, they finally understood each other's intentions.But the two people in front of them didn't seem to understand so quickly, it made people feel anxious.

She stood up suddenly, pushed Yao Yi to Jingyu's side, and said with disgust: "I said Yao Yi, you have been away on business for so long, don't you have anything to say to your wife first? "

Yao Yi coughed unnaturally, his face turned red after being hit by the words in his heart, and he pretended to be stupid and said, "What did you say?"

"Qianqian, didn't you say that you came to see me? Why do you come here to make fun of others?" Jing Yu said coquettishly.

After being reminded like this, Li Qianqian remembered her purpose of coming here. "Don't tell me I almost forgot. I'm here to pick you up and live at my house for a few days. Why don't you come?"

(End of this chapter)

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