Chapter 117 Yao Yi Becomes Scary

"Stay here for a few days to have fun, I have other work here."

Originally, she thought that Yao Yi was simply playing with her this time, but she was somewhat disappointed when she heard this.But thinking about Yao Yi coming out with her, it's not bad, as before, it was very difficult for her to see his face.He can be as busy as he likes, anyway, she is used to it by herself.

Maybe it was because of the dotted tenth floor on her face that he suddenly said another sentence. "Anyway, I'll be with you when I have time, so don't think too much about it."

She nodded without speaking.Her quiet and dignified appearance made several men at the scene have a good impression of her.In the past, their impression of her was only based on the rumors outside, and they always thought that she was similar to those women outside, but this idea has changed since the day they met.The woman in front of him really loves Yao Yi, this is something they can all see.

Everyone didn't speak, watching the interaction between their husband and wife, but they were going to be disappointed, because these two people stopped talking even if they were so silent.After waiting for a while, everyone was like this, and they also felt bored.At this moment, there was a sound outside.

"Don't follow me, I hate you."

It was a woman's voice acting like a baby. After hearing the familiar voice, Jing Yu turned her head and saw that small face. She was surprised at first and then smiled. "why you?"

Jing Wei also said in surprise: "Why are you here?" When she saw Yao Yi inside, she immediately understood.Sitting down beside her, he held her hand and acted coquettishly. "Sister, you have to help me, that fellow Qi Rao is bullying me."

Qi raccoon, who was following behind, smiled helplessly when he heard such words. Who is bullying whom?

Glancing at Qi raccoon who seemed to be very aggrieved, Jing Yu shook her head helplessly, "You, how old are you still acting like a child, and I'm not afraid that people will laugh at you." Even though she said this, there was still infinite emotion in her tone. Chong Ni, except for the second and seventh younger sisters who are very lively, she is used to them, even though she would say that every time, she was still very happy.

Jing Wei didn't care so much, she said coquettishly: "Who would laugh, anyway, I have been acting like a baby to you since I was a child."

"Qi Lai, it's really hard work for you to endure my sister like this." Jing Yu laughed.

Yao Yi has never seen her like this before, she exudes the brilliance of motherhood, maybe she will spoil her own child when she has a child in the future.Thinking of this, he suddenly wants a child. Maybe their relationship will suddenly improve after having a child.

He shook his head to get rid of such absurd thoughts.How could he need a child to mediate their relationship? He relied on himself. He just wanted to invade her heart little by little, so that she would never want to escape again.Seeing Jing Wei who was still acting like a baby, he also felt dissatisfied in his heart, and said very bluntly: "If you want to act like a baby and go to your man's arms, my woman will act like a baby to me."

Jing Wei felt sour when she heard such words. Jing Yu is her sister, she should act like a baby, even if she is a family member, so why should he refuse to let her go.She pouted and said angrily: "Is brother-in-law jealous? She is my sister, and if I want to act like a baby to her, I will act like a baby to her."

In her impression, this brother-in-law is not very kind to her sister, they have been married for so long and he is still messing around outside.If she doesn't teach him a lesson, it's fine, so why bother.

"You don't need to worry about this, if you tell you not to act like a baby to her, then don't."

Looking at the two people with red faces, they were taken aback for a moment and then laughed helplessly.She knew that Jingwei was a child. When did Yao Yi become a child like Jingwei? A look of horror.

**** Recommend a friend's text, Hanyue Qinghun's "Wealth Fan Baby: Cute Wife Is Too Hard to Pamper", I hope everyone will support it, thank you Smecta.Haruko group number: [-] Verify that it is any character name.Come to Haruko to remind you.

(End of this chapter)

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