Chapter 121 Hospitalization (1)

"Okay. I haven't gone out for the past few days. I'm so bored. Why don't we go out together." Before Jingyu could answer, Li Qianqian yelled loudly.

Yao Yi's face darkened, and he really wanted to throw this woman out.People just want to get close to their women. Why are these people so ignorant?But what didn't understand was not others and Jingyu, she smiled and accepted Li Qianqian's words. "Alright. It's Dad's birthday in a few days, and I want to buy gifts too."

"Why don't I know my father-in-law's birthday?" Yao Yi asked suspiciously.Every year he goes to his father-in-law's birthday, but he seems to remember that it's not this time.

"No. It's your father. My father's has passed away long ago." Jing Yu said, "Your own father, you still..." Suddenly, she seemed to realize that she couldn't say anything later.The relationship between Yao Yi and Yao Si is very bad, even if they forget it, it should be considered a normal thing.She didn't dare to say anything when she came down, Yao Yi was about to get angry again.

Seeing her worry, Xu Shi suddenly said, "Then go, go out after lunch."

I didn't expect Yao Yi to be so straightforward this time, if he was in the past, he would definitely be angry.Now he seems to have really changed slowly, these still make Jingyu feel very happy, and a certain place in his heart has become sweet.

It was noon soon, and everyone went out after eating.It was said that everyone went together, but in the end only six people went.Yao Yi and his wife, Yu Bin and his wife, and Yi Xuran and his wife are all in pairs, and no one else dare disturb them.It is said that it is to accompany the wife, in fact, the men are all here to set off.

After shopping for a long time, Jingyu couldn't find what she wanted, and when she had almost browsed the entire shopping mall, she turned her eyes to Yao Yi.Frowning, he said with a little coquettishness: "Yao Yi, don't come over all the time to see, you can help me think about it too."

It was rare to see a woman acting like a baby, Yao Yi felt that his mood was getting faster, and even his face became very soft. "Just think of one, a wallet or something. Anyway, he doesn't lack anything, and you may not be able to use it if you buy it for him."

"That's right." On that day, many people would have sent many expensive things, but it would be too ordinary for her to send those things.In previous years, she gave a watch and didn't see him wearing it. This year, it's better to give some thoughtful but usable ones.She remembered that when the weather was cold last year, she saw that the scarf on his body was very old. At that time, she said to buy one for him, but then she was busy and forgot.Thinking of him like this, I decided to put a scarf on Yao Si.

As soon as she thought of this, she pulled Yao Yi to adjust the ball, "Yao Yi, do you think black or gray is better?"

Yao Yi glanced at it, and said lightly: "Whatever, you won't fight anyway if you buy it." Nowadays, women are all pampered, so she concluded in her heart that Jingyu probably wouldn't do it.

"How do you know that I can't?" She had learned how to tie a scarf and a sweater a year ago, and at that time, she thought that if she had a chance, she could make one with Yao Yi's hands.It's a pity that it's been a year now, and I still don't have that chance.

Yao Yi looked at her in disbelief, seeing how determined she was, it seemed like she would really do it.Every time he gets close to her, he finds it very strange, and the more he discovers that there are many advantages in her. "Since I know how to do it, I will play a few more." As he said, he pulled Jingyu and took several dime balls.

It was too late for Jingyu to stop it, so she could only watch him take it. "Why do you take so much?"

"Others want one too." Yao Yi said with ulterior motives, but he was actually ashamed to say that he wanted one too.

Jingyu tilted her head and thought for a while, "Yes, since I gave it to my father, I have to get one for my mother."

"What about the others?"

"Oh, since it's for your parents, you should also call one for my parents."


(End of this chapter)

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